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I walked over to the table and grabbed my phone.

I called Skate.

He answered right away.

"Thank God you called, that would have been so awkward" he laughed.

"I was waiting for you" he said.

"Well I called" I smiled.

"So I was thinking, me and you could go to the fair and come back to my house for dinner?" He said.

"Sounds great" I giggled.

God Rebecca, why do you always giggle for no reason.

"Alright, be there at 1:00 sharp"

"Cya" I hung up the phone.

I got all nervous, I have heard some bad things about Skate but he was so nice! I gotta at least give him a try.

I ran up to my room and put on some shorts and a striped crop top with my white vans, I tied my hair in a pony tail and by the time I was walking down the stairs the bell rang.

I ran up to the door and opened it.

"Hey Skate" I smiled

"What? No hug?" He held out his arms.

I smiled and walked up to him and hugged him.

I hugged me tight lifting me off my feet.

"Wanna come in for a sec so I can get my purse?" I asked and he nodded yes.

We stepped inside.

"Just wait here a sec" I said pointing to the stools surrounding the island.


I walked out of the bathroom and looked up.

"Skate?" I squinted my eyes.

Why the hell is this jerk here.

"Yo, Shawn what's up" he came and shook my hand.

"Not much, how come you are in my house?" I asked him.

"Rebecca and I are goin' to the fair-" right as he said that Rebecca walked in looking at her purse.

"You rea- Shawn you obviously know Skate" she froze.

"Dude we are gonna go to the fair wanna come?" He asked.

I looked over his shoulder at Rebecca and she was waving her arms all around and shaking her head.

"Nah, you guys have fun. Text me when you are coming home Bec" I said and I walked past them.


That was awkward.

Skate and I got in his car and began to drive.

"So Skate, have you heard from anyone back home?" I asked.

"Not really, no" he said.

"Oh" what am I supposed to say?

This is just awkward.. Silent, and not a good silent.


We were next in line for the ferris wheel, and honestly this has been amazing.

But I don't wanna move fast.

We sat down in the seat and got buckled in.

We kept going around until we stopped at the top.

"Shit" I looked around.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Just a bit scared of heights, that's all" I looked down.

He put one hand on my waist and the other on my chin.

"It's okay" he said leaning in to kiss me. I turned my head and he kissed my cheek.

We started going down.

"What was that" he laughed.

"I'm not ready for that, it's our first date.." I obviously stated.

"Geez, how slow are you" he turned.

"Excuse me?" I sassed.

"I think you need to trust me on this one, just one kiss and you will change your mind about everything." He held out his index finger.

"No Skate" I insisted as we reached the bottom.

"C'mon" he said putting his hand on my thigh.

"Stop it" I said a bit loud and I pushed him away and go off the ride.

He grabbed my hand behind me and pulled me.

I yanked my arm back and saw the redness where his hand made contact.

"Get the fuck away from her" Shawn came between us and pushed him down.

"Shawn!" I yelled as he got on the ground and began punching Skate.

"FUCK! YOU CAN HAVE THE BITCH!" Skate yelled pointing to me and pushing Shawn away from him.
The he ran off.

Holy crap what just happened.

"Shawn?" I knelt down beside him.

He sat up and grabbed his head and put on hand over his eye.

I moved the band on his eye and there was a huge bruise.

His eye was yellow and purple all around and then bloodshot.

"Shawn, let me help you" I said grabbing his arm and putting it on my shoulder and he slowly stood up, but winced in pain and grabbed his stomach.

"We need to get you home" I said and I helped him walk to the car.

I decided to drive.

"Shawn why did you come? Not that I'm not thank-full you did but, why?" I asked.

"Because he is and always has been bad news and he just hooks up with girls to break up with them the next day." He managed to say.

"Thank you" I smiled at him as we got to a red light.

"But a physical fight probably wasn't the best idea" I added.

"Rebecca, I do anything for the people I love, to be safe" he said as we got to a red light.

I leaned over the seat and kissed him one more time.

This time I felt something. Not crazy BAM fireworks but maybe a bit of a spark.

I can't wait to find out what that spark can turn in to.

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