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I never thought, not in a million years. That I would love someone so much that my heart would just feel so torn and shattered when they left me.

I love her. Those words are thrown around so much, that when you really need to use them to prove yourself.. It's just a joke.

No other words can even compare to the way I feel about her. I just love her.

But she's gone. For how long? I don't know. But I do know that she is gone and I can't even process or think about how I'm supposed to be able to just let her go.

I know how this works. We fight, it's calm but we fight, we don't talk, move on, but then something brings us back together. But this time, well this time I have a feeling that it won't be like that.

There is only one person that I can think of that she would actually go to. Im not going to bother calling her, she won't pick up.

And so I called Shawn.

"Hey" He answered.

"Shawn, I know she is there. Did she get there safe? Is she okay?" I rambled on.

"She is fine dude, still a little worked up though. What the hell happened?" Shawn asked.

I explained to him the whole story and he finally understood.

"Wow. That's a lot to process" he sighed.

"Just please don't let her get hurt." I said before hanging up.

"I won't. I gotta go though, bye" he said.

"Bye" I ended the conversation.

Who am I kidding, I know Shawn still loves her, I have no chance now. She really is gone.

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