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I looked over at Rebecca and gazed at the colourful lights that shined off of her eyes.

I quickly turned over and texted the butler that I had hired. I told him to get 'the bag'. It's a special day tomorrow so I want to spend as much time I can with her.

She doesn't think I know, but it's her birthday.

I'm not that bad of a guy, to not remember my girlfriends birthday.

About 5 minutes later he came and gave me 'the bag'.

"What's that?" Rebecca asked me.

"I brought you some warmer clothes" I said to her handing her the leggings and sweatshirt.

"Awh thanks" she smiled taking the clothes from my hand.

"Well I'm going to change back there don't look" she said getting up.

I fell down on to my back and looked at the stars.

Rebecca came back and laid beside me putting a blanket down.

I scootched on the blanket closer to her.

"Rebecca" I said pushing her hair out of her face.

"Cameron" she said really exaturated causing me to laugh.

"You're my life of the party" I said

Her cheeks blew up and she started bursting in to laughter.

"Your so corny!" She said tucking her head in to my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her.

I felt a pain in my neck.

"Owe" I flinched

"Did you just bite me?" I laughed.

"Yea I decided I want to be a vampire now" she said with a straight face.

"Your so retarded" I said referring to her obsession with Twilight.

She sat up and went in her phone.

"CAM" She stated

"What?" I asked

"Its 2:00am" she said falling back.

"I know" I smiled pulling her in again.

"I love you to the stars and back" I said kissing her temple.

"It's the moon and back you dim wit" she giggled.

"I know but the stars are further" I smiled

Her eyes had a sparkle in them, she was beautiful.


At this very moment, I realized something. Something that made me want to jump in the air and just scream.

I had a feeling that I had never felt. I had felt sparks going off in my mind while it was as if butterflies were attacking my stomach.

I felt so alive, I could run for miles.

I'm totally, and completely, in love with him.

You cant think like that, what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he thinks it's just a relationship and nothing more. He tells me he loves me all the time, but that word gets thrown around to easily.

I really love him. Like really really love him.

"Rebecca what are you thinking about" Cameron asked, causing me to flinch my head towards him, catching me off guard.

"Nothing" I said

"You sure?" He asked

"Yea, you just caught me off guard" I smiled

We started talking about the tour and pretty much what I had in store for the future.

Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.



I woke up, and my body sank in to the warm sand beneath me.

My eyes fluttered open, and Cameron was no longer beside me.

I looked up and saw Cameron standing with his pants rolled up and he was just kicking his feet in the water.

I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I felt his arms tense a bit, I must have startled him.

"Morning" he said in his raspy morning voice.

He turned around pecking my lips.

"Are you ready for a day of adventure!" He said

"More? I'm tired" I whined.

"Oh it's only starting" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"That's so creepy don't ever do that again or I'm breaking up with you" I kidded with my eyes wide open.

"But why it's so hot" he said wiggling his eyebrows again

"It's over" I said walking away dramatically.

Then he came up behind me and picked me up running in the the water.

"Don't you dare drop me" I stated trying to hand on to him like a sloth.

"Don't break up with me" he said wiggling his eyebrows even more.


"Fine" he said

And he dropped me. In the water.

"CAMERON! I yelled splashing him.

"What! You told me to let you down so I did!" He laughed.

"But I gotta get out of here, don't wanna get my hair frizzy, and I wanna get my tan on!" he sassed walking out and throwing his shirt off on to the sand where he was walking to.

"Um no" I said pulling his leg making him trip and fall in to the water.

He fell but kept his face under that water and was limp.

"Cam stop" I giggled poking him.

He didn't flinch.

"Cam it's not funny" I poked him again.

He just floated there.

Oh my God.

I grabbed his arms and flipped him over and dragged him out of the water on to the sand.

I couldn't move because my sweatpants were soaking so I just took them off really quick, as I was left in a big t-shirt that went down to about my mid-thigh.

I looked at Cameron and tried to remember what I was taught when I was at life guarding.


I went over Cameron and pressed my lips against his and began, and also with 60 compressions.
I backed away and realized that it hadn't worked.

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