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I walked to Cameron's kitchen and made myself a coffee.

I had a little bit of a hard time figuring it out because I'm so used to the coffee machine at our house.

The past couple of days have been terrible, nothing really good has happened, it just seems like everyone in my life is disappearing.

I took a sip on my coffee while looking out the sliding door.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and Cameron put his face in the crook of my neck and placed a little kiss.

"Morning Bee" he said.

"Morning" I said turning to kiss him.

"How are you doing today? how's your hand?" I asked him taking his right hand in mine.

"It feels better today" he said.

"Anyways, about you?" I asked him.

"Me, well. My step-dad just left my mom is going through yet another mental breakdown and the whole situation with Shawn. It's tough" he looked down.

I stepped forward and gave him a hug.

"It will be okay. We just need to put it back together piece by piece. Starting with Shawn." I said.

"After breakfast I'll call him" Cameron said walking over to the fridge and taking out strawberry's and then going to the cupboard and getting Nutella.

We ate strawberry's and Nutella for breakfast, the day started off well.


At this point we were just sitting on the couch watching TV.
Cam called Shawn and well, long story short all is good now.

"Rebecca I forgot to tell you! Nash and Jas are having their wedding in Hawaii on Sunday so we leave Saturday!" Cameron pointed out.

"That's awesome" I giggled at his excitement.

"Rebecca can I ask you a huge favour?" He asked me.

"Yea?" I asked

"Do you think maybe you could spend some time with my mom today, you know just get her mind off of all of this?" He asked.

"Of coarse Cam!" I placed my hand on his thigh.

He kissed my cheek and walked to the bottom to the stairs.

"Mom!" He called out and his mom came down the stairs.

"What do you need honey?" Gina fake smiled.

"Rebecca wants to take you to the mall today" he said and I smiled.
"You know some girl time" I added.

"Um- yea sure, I guess" she said and went back up the stairs.

"Okay, I gotta go tux shopping with Nash. I will call you when I'm coming home alright?" Cameron kissed me before walking out.

I mean I totally feel for Gina, I can't even imagine what she is going through but I just want to help her.

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