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I told Cameron how happy I was right that moment. I looked up at him, he had some sort of sparkle in his eye.

He was kinda staring at me.

"Cam? Are you alright?" I asked

"Yea.. Um Rebecca there is something I need to tell you" he said with a shakey voice.


I need to tell her. I can't do this anymore.

"Rebecca, I need to tell you something." I said

"Damn did you kill someone?" She giggled.
"No. Well you see-" I got cut off.


"Well you see-" Cameron said but got cut off.

I saw someone walking towards me, I looked closer to see who it was.

"IAN?" I yelled jumping up totally cutting of Cameron.

"I'm gonna go" Cam said and he got up and left.
Not even paying attention to Cameron I ran up to Ian.

He wrapped his arms around and picked me up twirling me around.
He put me down and I hugged him again. "I forgive you" he said.

"How did you- I don't get it! Who told y-" I said

"James texted me, it was all a joke." He said.

"Rebecca, I love you. I never stopped" he said.

Just. Like. Cameron.

I didn't say anything, I smiled and hugged him again.

"Let's go back to my house, I want to give you something" I said, taking his hand and interlocking our fingers as we started walking.

"Well if it's a make-out sandwich then I'm all in" he said to himself.

"What!" I laughed.

"Oh shit I said that out loud didn't I?" He said

"Yep" I laughed again.

We kept walking until we got to my house.

We walked in and I went straight in to my room.

Wait here. I said and he sat at the edge of my bed.

I went in to my closet and dug through my drawers, I found it.

I sat beside him. I handed it to him. It was the little monkey stuffed animal that he gave me when he asked me out in 8th grade.
"You kept this?" He asked

"Yea" I blushed.

"You know what else is super weird.." He said

"On this bed, this spot, we had our first kiss" he said.

"Maybe our second first?" He said not loosing the eye connection.

I leaned in and our lips just barely touched.

I once again felt sparks. But one thing was keeping this moment from perfect.

Cameron. The thought of him just lingered in the back of my mind.

I'm here with the one I love, but I'm not sure the one I'm in love with is here.


I walked home, and I didn't even bother to acknowledge
anyone I saw inside my house, I walked right up to my room.

I open my door and slam it behind me.

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