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I woke up but nobody was around. I decided to get up and walk around to find someone.

"Cam? Nash? Anyone?" I called out, but no answer.

I walked downstairs and heard the TV on. They must have not heard me.

"Good Morning" I smiled turning the corner.

"Hello Rebecca" an unfamiliar voice recited.

I looked closely at who was sitting on the couch.

Ian. "Ian get the hell out of here" I stated. I felt my heartbeat quicken and my breathing become heavy.

"Baby, I'm not leaving" he smirked.

"CAMERON" I repeatedly screamed as Ian made his way closer to me.

I kept backing away until I bumped in to the wall. Shit. Not only a wall but he had me cornered.

"Look Ian what do you want?Why can't you just leave me alone. Where is Cameron?" I began to cry.

"All I want is you. Call for Cameron all you want he's gone." He said with a devilish smile.


"I took care of him" he said before grabbing my arm.

"Let go" I cried.

"YOUR HURTING ME!" I slapped him with my other hand straight in the face.

"You shouldn't have done that bitch" he yelled.

"CAMERON" I repeatedly screamed.

I felt as if I as being shaken repeatedly and then everything disappeared.


"Rebecca!" I was being shaken by someone as my eyes began to open.

"Cameron!" I sat up quick.

"I'm right here! What the heck were you dreaming about? You kept yelling my name. And y-you're crying.." Cameron said.

"That was all just a dream?" I looked at my surroundings. He was right.

"Yea" he pulled me in to a hug.

"What were you dreaming about? Your shaking.." He said with a sympathetic voice.

"Ian was there and he hurt me. And he hurt you." I began to worry.

"Rebecca, I told you that, that ass will never see you nor will he ever touch you again. You're safe with me okay?" Cameron looked at me in the eyes.

I smiled and hugged him.


"Where are all of the guys?" I asked looking around.

"They had to leave but Nash is coming back" he said.

"Okay" I said.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asked.

"Just a lot on my mind" I sat up on the couch.
"Like what?" He sat beside me.

"A lot of un-answered questions" I began to feel my cheeks heat up and my eyes turned glossy.

"What kind of questions" his hand rested on my thigh and his thumb grazed my leg, soothingly.

"How did we end up here? Why isn't Sarah here? Why does it happen to the wrong people. Why is everyone I love disappearing." At this point I was full out crying.

"Rebecca I'm not going anywhere" he hugged me tightly as dug my head in to his neck.

"You don't have to cry cry cry cry-I-I" he started singing.

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