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"Hello Rebecca, we spoke to the doctors and they all said you are good to go if you'd like" A nurse came in the room and told me.

"Oh she's ready to go, we've been here for two days" Cameron spoke up.

The nurse giggled. "I figured that. So I brought you just some papers to fill out for the release. When you are done you can drop them off at the front desk and you are on your way" she smiled handing Cameron some paper work while the twins slept.

The nurse walked out and we filled out the papers.

I stood up and just stretched my back and legs around.

I grabbed the baby bag and began putting our things away for the trip home.

"Cam you have the car seats right?" I asked him while picking up Rachel and putting her in to the stroller.

"Yea" he said while holding Ben in his arms rocking him lightly so he did not wake up.

I wheeled out Rachel and Cameron followed behind with Benjamin.

We handed in the papers to the front desk and took the elevator down to the main floor of the Hospital.

After a solid 20 minutes getting to the car and putting the kids in we managed to make our way home.

"So I was thinking about Godparents" Cameron said.

"I have too, I mean there is really only one couple I can think of" I said.

"Was it by any chance Jas and Nash?" I giggled.

"How did you know?" Cameron looked over and laughed.

"Just a guess" I smiled.

"I'll call Nash after we get settled in and they can come over for coffee or whatever" Cameron said glancing over ever so often.

We pulled in to the driveway and got everything, Rachel and Ben and went inside.


"Be right back I'm going to call Nash" I told Rebecca before I grabbed my phone and walked in to the living room.

I dialled his number and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Nash answered.

"Hey Nash, Bec and I wanted to know if you and Jas wanted to come over for coffee tonight, to see the kids?" I asked him

"Yeah we are free, dude are you alone?" Nash whispered.

"Hold on" I said walking outside

"Okay, what's up?" I spoke a little louder.

"I'm gonna propose, I bought a ring again. I want to renew our vows" he whispered, but loud enough to hear the excitement in his voice.

"That's awesome, when you gonna do it?" I asked him while chuckling to myself.

"Tomorrow, do you think you and Rebecca could come to the fair just to kinda help out? I know that it's super weird, but since our wedding wasn't with anyone but you two we have been talking about it for a while and we want to do a nice big one with the family." He asked.

"Yeah for sure, just gotta check with the Mrs. but it should be good, we will have my mom stay here" I said

"You sure?" He asked me.

"Yeah my mom has been dying to spend time with them" I re-assured him.

"Oh yeah, how's Ryan?" I asked referring to their son.

"Alright, he has a bit of a cold but other than that, good" he laughed.

"Hope he gets better, soon. Oh crap I gotta go she is calling me"I said

"Alright see you later, thanks man" He said ending the conversation.

"Bye" I said before we both hung up.

I walked back inside and Rebecca was in the kitchen feeding the kids.

"How do babies even eat with no teeth?" I asked.

"It's called baby food" Rebecca stated the obvious.

"True" I added.

"So what did Nash say about tonight?" She asked me as I took a jar of food from her hand and started feeding Ben.

"They are good, also tomorrow we're going to the fair with them" I said attempting to feed Benjamin, which is harder than it looks...

"I guess it's good to expose the kids to that stuff when they are young" Rebecca smiled.

"Oh, yeah the kids aren't coming though" I bit hard on the inside of my cheek waiting to hear a hopefully positive response.

"They aren't coming? So they are just gonna stay here alone?" Rebecca looked at me like I was crazy and she shifted all of her weight on to one hip while crossing her arms.

"My mom can watch them" I insisted.

"Cameron they are like 3 days old! We can't just leave them!" She raised her voice a bit while picking up Rachel and putting the food back in to the fridge.

"Rebecca we have to go, I promised Nash!" I followed her out of the kitchen grabbing Ben on my way out.

"Why would you do that Cam? What's so special about tomorrow that we just have to go to the fair?" She asked me as I walked behind her up the stairs to the twins room.

"I can't really tell you that" I said in defence as we out the babies down and slowly tucked them in for a nap.

"Seriously you are being ridiculous, I'm not going to the fair" she said walking in to our bathroom and tying up her hair.

"BUT YOU HAVE TO, NASH IS GOING TO PROPOSE AND HE NEEDS OUR HELP" I said really fast and I slapped my mouth.

"WHAT?" Rebecca's eyes lit up.

"Shit. Don't tell him I told you." I said

"I won't! That's amazing! I gotta call Jaz!" Rebecca ran to get her phone on the nightstand.

"You're gonna seriously call Jaz" I giggled

"Oh yeah" she frowned.

"Oh my god their kids are gonna be so cute!" She squealed and jumped up and down.

"Not as cute as our kids" I smiled hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"Our kids" she giggled.

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