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"Sarah do you take Samuel Wilkinson to be your husband?" The man said as Sammy held Sarah's hand with his left hand.

She looked over at me and I smiled back.

"I do" she said

"Samuel do you take Sarah Marie Jansen as your wife?" He continued.

"I 100% do" he said making Sarah's cheeks go rosy.

"With the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said.

Sammy pecked Sarah on the lips and I noticed her flinch in pain.

"Are you okay?" He said to her, and the man walked out.

"Yea" she smiled, I could tell she wasn't.

Her mouth said yes, her eyes said no.

"Congrats" I smiled hugging her slightly, and then Sammy next.

"Well you two should have the rest of the night to yourselves" Cameron said to them.

"Thanks man" Sammy smiled shaking his hand.

"We will be in the Caf probably" I said waving goodbye.

"You guys should go home, get some real rest" Sarah said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Positive" she said, I looked over to Sammy and her shrugged.

"Alright, well we will see you in the morning." I said.

Me and Cameron walked out of the room and made our way to the car.


As soon as we started driving away I look over and see that Rebecca was sleeping.

I never really talked to Sarah much, because of when Rebecca and I were having a break. But I can tell how much she really means to Rebecca.

I can see how all of this is impacting Rebecca, I haven't seen her smile in 2 days. She's torn, she just isn't admitting it.

I parked the car in to the driveway, and tapped Rebecca on the shoulder.

She wasn't waking up, no matter how hard I tried it just wasn't going to happen.

I picked her up and brought her up to my room.

I went to make a sandwich for myself, and that's when I got the call.


I'm in the middle of a deep sleep, when all of a sudden I was woken by Cameron shaking me.

"Cam" I whined rubbing my eyes harshly from the light.

"Rebecca" Cameron said with a sympathetic smile.

"No" I said. Then it clicked in.

"No, no. It can't. No she's, she's fine" I said

"I'm sorry" he said pulling me in to his chest.

"I need to go see her" I said getting up with tears running down my eyes.

We got in to the car and drive to the hospital.

I ran up to the room not even bothering to take the elevator.

I ran up to the hall and I saw the nurses rolling a bed out of Sarah's room.

"NOO" I cried, and I fell to the floor.

"I know, it's going to be okay" Cameron said to me.

"She can't. I never said good-bye!" I cried.

"She is in a better place" Cameron said helping me off the floor.

"Sam" I yelled running up to him as he walked out of  the room and slid down the wall.

He looked up with puffy eyes.

"Sh-she's gone" he said and I sat beside him pulling him in for a hug.

"She was sleeping, and then the machines were beeping and I- it should have been me!" He cried.

"Sam you couldn't have prevented it." I said as tears still rolled down my face.

"Her last words were, I love you" he cried.

"It's going to be okay" Cameron said pulling both of us in to a hug.

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