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Cameron and I were at Starbucks just sitting town and talking with Nash and Jasmine.

"So now that you guys are married, thinking about having kids?" Nash asked us.

"Well I mean to have kids you need to like.." Cameron said making this disgusting motion.

"Oh I thought since you guys got married like 2 weeks ago you would have done that already" Nash said awkwardly.

"Oh you mean sex, yea we did. A lot" Cameron said pleasantly.

"CAM" I kicked his leg under the table.

"OW" he scrunched his face.

"So you don't want kids?" Jasmine asked trying not to laugh.

"We're trying" Cameron said still wincing in pain.

I sat there in silence for a bit while everyone talked, thinking about what life would be like with some kids.

"Well at least you are trying.." Nash cut me out of my thoughts.

But now that I think of it, the first time we did that it was like 2 weeks ago and I haven't gotten my-.

"SHIT" I said out loud.

"What's wrong" Cameron tensed up.

"Jasmine we need to leave." I said giving her a look.

I stood up and said bye before hurrying out and running to my car with Jasmine.

"What is wrong with you?" Jasmine said buckling her seatbelt whole catching her breath.

"I'm late." I said starting the car and beginning to drive.

"For what?" She asked.

"Not for something, I mean like I'm late, late. I was supposed to get it last week." I said as I drove to the drugstore.

"So you might be.. PREGNANT?" She got all excited.

"We need to buy like 50 tests" I said pulling in to a parking spot at Target.

We basically ran in and sprinted to the section with toiletries.

We grabbed 2 tests of each brand.

We ran to the cashier and paid.

I never ran so fast in my life.

I we got in to the car and drove to Jasmine's house because it was closer than mine.

We stopped off at a McDonald's and I got an XL Coke. I drank it all by the time we got to her house.

I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first test.

First one done. Second one done. Third one done.

I did at least 15 tests. I was in the middle of doing the last one and I heard Cameron's voice.

"Rebecca the guys are here" Jasmine called out nervously from outside the bathroom.

I quickly finished up before a voice came again.

"Bec are you feeling okay?" Cameron asked peeking through the door.

His eyes widened when he saw all of the pregnancy tests all over the place.

He opened the door and came in, but shut it behind him.

"What's going on" he asked putting his hands on the sides of my arms.

"What does it look like?" I giggled.

"Are you like, having a baby?" He got all nervous and looked me right in the eyes.

I walked over to where the first test was.

I picked it up.
It read "➕" Positive.

I looked at the others lined up beside it.
They were all positive.

"Oh my God" I breathed.

I ran up and jumped hugging Cameron.

"So?" He said.

"They were all positive" I giggled.

"Woah, I-I'm gonna be a dad?" He said with a shaky voice.

"I need to step outside for a bit" he said walking off while scratching the back of his head.

He doesn't want to have a baby.. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

I walked out of the bathroom after cleaning up.

"So?" Jasmine asked standing up while Nash bit his nails vigorously.

I faked a smile.

"I'm pregnant" I smiled shrugging my shoulders.

"OH MY GOD" Jasmine squealed jumping up and running towards me.

"That's amazing, I don't even know what to say!" She got all excited.

"Congrats Becca" Nash said giving me a hug.

"Thanks" I said plainly.

"Are you alright? Aren't you happy?" Jasmine asked me.

"Yeah, I'm good. In gonna go home though I'm not feeling well." I said grabbing my purse.

"Okay, call me when you feel better" Jasmine gave me a hug before I walked out.

I walked outside and Cameron was sitting on the porch with his head in his hands.

"Hey, we can go now" I said snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah" I said and he stood up, pulling the keys out of his pocket and we got in the car.

The whole ride was silent.  And I mean absolute dead silence.

He parked the car in the garage and we got out.

Last week we moved out of the condo because it was time for a change, so we bought a nice house. Not giant, but a nice size.

We walked inside and I went right up to our room.

I felt tears at the brim of my eyes.

I laid on the bed, thinking of what could have gone wrong.

I heard the door open.

"Bec what's wrong?" Cameron said sitting down in the bed in front of me.

"What's wrong? I'm pregnant. That's what's wrong. I mean according to you.." I said as tears spilled down my cheeks, but I didn't make a sound.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"Seriously Cameron? Before you were so bothered by the fact that I was having a baby that you had to leave the room!" I said sitting up.

"Are you being serious? Rebecca is that really what you thought I meant?" His total expression changed and he pulled me in to a hug.

"It just didn't really sink in! I'm so excited Hun!" He kissed my cheek.

"Well you don't really show emotions well" I wiped some tears away.

"Not really, I'm so sorry. But you will be a great mother" he said, I smiled looking down at my stomach.

He placed his hand on my stomach.

"Crazy" he smiled.

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