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As I'm driving, I laugh to myself.

'Did I seriously just leave my house in the hands of some stranger?' I said to myself.

I took a deep breath and brushed my hand through my hair before driving up to the Canada/USA border in Niagara Falls.

We went through the whole protocol and I went through.
At this point it's like 10:00pm so I decide to get a room at a motel.

I lay down on the bed that is as hard as a rock and I turn on the TV.

Basically I had fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


"Rebecca!" Shawn yelled running after me as he waved away his family and shut the door.

"What?" I asked.

"I gotta talk to you, now" he said sternly.

"Alright?" I said in confusion.

"What's up?" I asked

"We can't be together, I don't want to lose you as a friend and I couldn't stand here and say that we can make it work because I only see us going as far as friends." He said kinda fast causing me to take a deep breath once he finished.

"Thank-you lord baby jesus" I held my hand over my forehead

"We are thinking the same thing again weren't we. You see Bec, this is why we are best friends" he said slinging his arm over my shoulder.

"I guess" I laughed.

"Hey, but you still got that cuddling thing going for ya, you little cozy bear" he said in this weird ass voice.

"That sounded like a Hobbit" I laughed.

"But really please do me a favour" he got all serious.

"Whats that?" I looked at him in the eyes.

"I know you have given him a million chances, but you guys need to be together, when you are separated you are like two kids in a mall that just separated from their parents and don't know where to go. It's called lost." He said.

"But Shawn what if he moved on?" He most likely knew that we were together he probably still thinks we are and he will move on" I got all nervous.

"Only one way to find out" He shrugged his shoulders and walked to the cupboard to pull out the peanut butter and toast.

"How is that going to help?" I asked laughing as I sat on a stool at the island.

"Go back and find out" he put his sandwich together. Licking his index finger.

"Shawn why the hell are you the smartest person alive" I smiled standing up straight.

"It's called common sense, I got it from MANNY MAGIC" he said in this creepy whispered voice.

"Well I guess i should go to the airport ASAP" I said.

"No time! DRIVE" He pushed me by my back up the stairs and to my room.

He grabbed my duffel bag and started throwing clothes in it.

"Shawn calm your man tits that's enough clothes!" I laughed grabbing the bag and zipping it up.

I ran downstairs, grabbed my keys and opened the door.

"Bye Shawn" I said kissing his cheek.

"Cya chikita" he cooed and I put my bag in my trunk and got in.

As I drove off I honked my horn to Shawn for the last time.

And the journey begins.

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