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I take a quick shower and get out and blow dry my hair.

I curl it so that they are like beach curls, and put on my make-up.

I slipped on my long flowy golden dress.

I put on my nude pumps, grabbed my phone and clutch and walked downstairs.

It was a struggle getting down considering my shoes, but I made it.

"Wow" I looked up, and Scott was there in his suit at his front door, with his parents.

I decided I would just get changed at his house so we could leave faster.

I moved back to my parents house since Cameron and I were no longer together.

"Oh honey you look so cute!" His mom said making me laugh.

"Thanks" I smiled and Scott helped me down the last couple of steps.

I can't believe it's Prom already.

I haven't talked to Cameron in over 4 months, ever since we had that incident in Geography.

Me and Scott bought an apartment, and are planning on moving in after prom sometime.

Meanwhile, Cameron got a girlfriend about 3 months ago, Cassidy.

She is really nice, she's lucky to have him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Scott's mom asked to take a picture of us.

A bunch were taken, him putting the corsage on my wrist, me putting his boot-in-ear on, and just typical Prom pictures.

"Okay, mom enough, we gotta go" Scott laughed and walked me out the door to a limo.

"M'lady" he smiled opening the door, letting me get in first.

"Thanks" I smiled.

We got to the venue and everyone was there sitting down.

We got our ace setting, table 5.
I look around and my eyes land in table 5.

I almost fall to the ground, were with Cameron.

I was sitting at the table when my eyes locked with her's.

She was walking towards us.

"Hey guys, looks like we are table buddies" Scott smiled and he grabbed her hand, and Rebecca was avoiding all eye contact at any time.

"You look very nice Cassidy" He added, and Cassidy smiled and thanked him.

"You too, Rebecca" I said awkwardly.

She nodded looking down.
"Here bec lets sit" Scott said to we and she sat beside Cassidy.

She looked beautiful, she was beautiful.

"I-I will be right back" I said getting up and walking over to Nash's table.

"Nash I need to talk to you" I said tapping him on the back.

He said bye to his date, and came over to me.

"What's up?" He asked

"Have you ever felt like your with someone, but you aren't sure that that person is the right one, and all you can think about is that same person?" I asked getting worried.

"Let me guess, Rebecca?" He asked, not surprised at all. He warned me about this.

I nodded.

"Dude, you need to just tell her that you still love her!" He said.

"What about Cassidy, it's Prom, this will ruin her night. Plus Rebecca loves Scott.." I retaliated.

"Oh don't give me that, she loves you Cameron" he said. He must have been serious, he only calls me Cameron when he isn't talking, funny business.

"Alright, thanks" I said walking back to the table, but Cassidy and Scott weren't there.

"Where did they go?" I asked Rebecca.

She pointed over to the dance floor, they were dancing together.

"Rebecca, you need to talk to me sooner or later!" I whined

"I'm just a waste though, I don't want to be, but I am" she said looking at me with sad eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry I was just emotionally impacted and I said things I shouldn't have, please you need to forgive me" I said with pleading eyes.

I could tell she wanted to say no.
She looked over at me. "I-i forgive you.." She choked out.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"I can tell, your eyes" she said

"You always tell from my eyes" I smiled putting my hand on op of hers.

Her touch, her skin it sent electricity through my veins.

"Well, do you want to dance?" I asked her.

"Uh-um, I don't know" she stuttered.

"C'mon, they are having fun, me and you can too" I smiled holding out my hand.

"Alright" she smiled standing up grabbing my hand.

We went up to the dance floor, and Shawn's song, "Life of the Party"

I pulled her in and started dancing with her.
She hesitated at first, but then went with it.

The song brought back such good memories.

She rested her arms around my neck and on my shoulders, and I rested my hands softly on her hips.

I felt her pull me closer to her at one point, and I rested my head on hers.

She looked up at me with glossy eyes. It was a set up, a perfect set up.

I leaned in, slightly closing my eyes, as did she. Our lips, millimetres away from each other and she flinched backward.

"I-i have to go!" She said and she ran off.

I looked around but Scott and Cassidy were gone.

I ran after her, but she went in to the bathroom.

I can't go in there.


I knocked slightly, and heard muffled cries.

I opened the door covering my eyes to make sure I didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to see.

The coast was clear, so I locked the door behind me, and followed the little sobs, leading to one stall.

"Rebecca?" I asked

Her face was red, and she had tears running down her face.

I looked in her hand, she had the necklace I have her and she was looking at the picture.

She looked up at me.

"I-I still love you Cameron" she cried getting up and giving me a hug.

I hugged her tightly back.

I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too" I said, whiling away her tear.

She looked up at me with hopeful eyes.
I leaned down and our lips barely touched, I could tell she was still hesitant.

Then we broke the kiss when we heard banging on the door, whoops.

I left Rebecca and went to open the door causing the girl to give me a retarded look.

What just happened? No, what do I do now?

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