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I ran over to Nash as soon as I left the bathroom.

"DUDE" I said calling his name.

He turned his head. "Hey where have you been?" He asked

"I just kissed Rebecca." I blurted out without even answering his question.

"Really?" He asked almost as If he didn't believe me.
"Yea.." I nodded.

"Well that's good! But I have some bad news.." He said

"What?" I asked nervously.

"Cassidy is over there puking her brains out" he said pointing to the table at the door.

"Shit! I totally forgot about her!" I yelled.

"Omg! Your such a great boyfriend! Now are you going to break up with her?" He asked. Note the sarcasm in the first sentence.

"I gotta go" I said ignoring the question and I ran up to her.

"Hey! What happened?" I asked Sammy, who was holding her hair back.

"She got a little to drunk" be giggled.

"Okay listen, I'm gonna bring her home can you call a cab please" I asked him, and he got his phone out and dailed the number to a taxi.


"Okay, they are here" Sammy said about 10 minutes later.

I picked up Cassidy in my arms and walked out and put her in the taxi. I got in and rested her on my lap and told the driver the address.

As he drove off my mind started blowing up with thoughts of Rebecca.

I never really loved Cassidy, I guess I just asked her out to try and forget about Rebecca. But obviously it didn't work. I thought dating again would fix it, it didn't.

We arrived at her house, I payed the driver, picked up Cassidy and walked up to her door.

I placed her on the porch chair, and got the key from under the mat.

I opened the door, picked her back up and walked in her house shutting the door behind me.

I brought her up to her room and tucked her in to bed.

Just as I was about to leave she called me.

"Cameron, I need to tell you something" she breathed

"Yea?" I said

"I know I'm drunk as fuck right now, but I need to end the relationship here" she slurred

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Well first, I made out with Scott like half and hour ago, and you need to be with Rebecca." She said, still slurring your words.

"Um, alright" I said and I left.

I know she is drunk, she will 100% regret it in the morning but really, she cheated on me.

I mean I cheated on her too I guess, but it's over.

Time for a fresh start.

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