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'She let go and placed her hand gently on my cheek and kissed me again-'

My heart was beating a mile a minute.
She, kissed, me. Like she, kissed, me.

She isn't drunk, or high, I don't think. This is all her.


The next morning I woke up and she was just all around wrapped around me. I smiled and tried untangling ourselves without waking her up.

I had every inch of her off except her hand on my side.

I picked it up and a shot of pain went through my thumb. I lifted it and noticed that she still had her engagement ring on.
I sighed and took it off, putting it on the side table.

I got off my bed and went to the kitchen and made myself a coffee and then just made some bacon and eggs.

Some things were actually running through my mind that made me laugh.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Rebecca walked down the stairs. She was dressed already. I looked down and of coarse stupid Shawn isn't even wearing a shirt. Not to mention just boxers...

"Wow little Shawny's got some abbs now, that's new" she laughed slapping my stomach.

"And to think I made you breakfast" I shook my head smiling.

"Oh I love bacon" her eyes lit up and she took a piece before even getting a plate.

"So Shawn, I think we should talk" she said sitting down and pouring a glass of orange juice.

"About what?" I asked knowing exactly what it was about.

"Our little smoochy smooches" she giggled.

I nodded my head yes, hoping this would go the way I want it to.
How is she so cute.

"I don't want our friendship o be ruined, but like I actually thought I had feelings for you but when we kissed I didn't feel anything." She said nervously.

I was silent.. "THANK GOD" I said.

"What?" She kind of giggled.

"I didn't feel anything either" I huffed.

She gave me a weird look.

Still cute.

"I mean it's not like I didn't want to feel something but I just didn't" I said.

"Yea, same" she said.

"Well thank gosh for that, it would have ruined our friendship.." I said. "That would have sucked" she added.

"Yea, but it's alright. It's done with now" I smiled taking some milk out of the fridge.

"Anyways, have you been talking to anyone?" She asked me.

"Like, girl wise?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yea there is one girl, but I don't know if it's going anywhere" I said pouring my glass.

"Oooh what's her name?" She cooed.

"Lauren" I smiled to myself.


"Awh little Shawny's got a crush" I sang.

"How about you? Seen anyone lately?" He asked me with a curious voice. Like he knew something.

"No... OH I WILL BE RIGHT BACK" I remembered I had to get in touch with Skate.

It's been a little while, I'm a bit lonely.

I ran out and decided to just call him. As the phone rang, I just thought about what Cameron was doing, maybe he had someone?

Am I moving on too fast?


I haven't gotten up or eaten ever since she left. This time I ruined it. I called it off. And it's my fault.

I just gotta move on, now.

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