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When we got home it was pretty late so I put Jackson to bed.

Me and Rebecca made some dinner for my mom and Sierra because Rebecca wanted to say thanks for letting her stay here.

My mom and Sierra walked in the house, "Woah it smells so good in here" she said making her way in to the kitchen.

"Hey guys" mom said walking in to the kitchen.

"We made you some dinner" Rebecca said putting the last plate on the table.

"Awh thank you guys" my mom said hugging us both.

"You guys eat, I'm going to go get ready for school" Rebecca said walking up the stairs.

I ran up behind her and threw her on my shoulder.

"Cam!" She yelled "put me down"

"Neva!" I said charging to my room.

I threw her on to the bed.

I laid down on her, and pretended to sleep.

"Wow your such a good actor!" She said trying to push me off.

"I know, I should totally win an Oscar.." I smiled sarcastically.

"Rebecca I need to ask you something.." I said, I'm nervous, I really hope she says yes. It's taken a lot of courage but, I think I'm ready.

"Yea?" She said sitting up looking at me with worried eyes.

"This is taking a lot of my courage.. Do do this but.. 'Do you wanna build a snowman'?" I sang.

"What?" She choked batting her eyes.

"Or ride our bikes around the halls?" I tried to sing but I ended up in a laughing fit.

"Cameron I thought you were gonna tell me you were dying or some shit like that! Don't scare me" she laughed.

"No but really.. I gotta tell you something" I said getting serious.

"What?" She said

"I've got to move on and be who I am."

She looked at me puzzled.
"Cam. What are you trying to say?" She asked and her eyes got a bit watery.

"I just don't belong here I hope you understand, we might find a place in this world some day, but ATLEAST for now... I gotta go my own way.." I sang and Rebecca started laughing.

"What about us, what about everything we've been through?" She sand along.

"What about trust?" I sang

"I never thought I would loose you...." Is all we could get out before we found ourselves laughing on the floor.

My sister walked in to the room to drop off some laundry,
"You guys have such a retarded relationship.." She laughed and walked out.

"Hey you know what? We should throw a party! My mom is going to go to my grandmas house with Sierra and Jackson again!" I said

"Cameron we have school on Monday, today is Thursday, shouldn't we get ready?" She said

"C'mon have a little fun!" I said

"Fine, I guess it would be fun." She said smiled

"Go ask your mom" Rebecca said to me. Before getting up.

"Why can't you?" I sassed back.

"She is your mom!" I stated the obvious.

"And she is you're future mother in law.." I laughed.

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