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I have never in my life, seen her like this.

I mean she is a fairly emotional person but this situation is just taking a toll on her.

I walked up the stairs and took a deep breath before walking in to the bedroom.

I opened the door.

Rebecca was pacing around the room.

"Bec" I leaned against the door.

"I'm so stupid! I can't just let him get me down. It's not like he is my boyfriend, you are" she slapped her forehead.

"So you aren't upset anymore?" I asked her.

"I mean a bit but you can take all of that away" she came up to me and hugged me.

Obviously I took that in the wrong way, but it was worth a try.

"I can" I admitted.

"She looked up at me and smiled.

Without hesitating, I grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her.

Our lips met in-sync.

She pulled away. "Whoa" she breathed heavily.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said kind of flinching towards the right side of the room *cough cough the bed*

She nodded.

I picked her up right as she nodded and laid her down.

I was about to take off my shirt when she stopped me.

"Wait" She stopped.

"What?" I asked.

"I scared, I don't want to ruin anything" She twirled her hair.

"If you aren't ready I'm okay with that" I said.


As soon as he said that it clicked. This was exactly like my dream.

"I-im not ready" I was not going to let the dream come to life.

He huffed, but nodded. He got off of me.

"Im sorry, its just I-" He cut me off.

"Rebecca" He stopped me.

"What?" I asked him.

"I get it. We can wait, whenever you are ready" He smiled.

"I feel bad" I looked down.

"Dont, the fact that you are waiting just makes me love you even more. You aren't just some girl that gives herself to every guy." He pecked me on the lips.

"You know what?" I looked up at him as he spoke.

"We can still make-out and kiss, a lot, all the time, forever" He flipped his hand.

"You're right there, Ranger Rick" he shot me a look.

I shrugged my shoulders and he practically jumped on me and placed little kisses all over my face.

"Cameron" I started laughing because he was tickling me.

"Hey, you gotta let me have some fun" He kissed under my ear and on my jawline.

"I love you" I giggled.

"I love you is an understatement" He looked me right in the eyes.

Honestly, there were multiple times that I said to myself, 'This is the moment you fell in love with him' but no.

This was it. This was that moment. He is everything anyone could ask for and more, and he is mine. He respects me more than anyone on this earth has, and for that, my love for him is unconditional. I am truly in love with a goofball named Cameron Dallas

I shut my eyes and kissed him. The most passionate kiss we have ever had, and it made all the difference.


(Play Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol; It was my inspiration for this part)

I couldn't sleep. I played with Cameron's hair as I laid on his bare chest.

The thoughts of our past together filled my mind. The fights, the stupidity between both of us. It all could have been avoided.

I can't even describe how I feel, and I constantly wonder how he felt in times when I was most vulnerable. Ive been staring at the ceiling for a good hour, and it seems as if the time is just flying.

I want to hold on to this feeling I have of safe and secureness. I could never let him go, and I pray that he doesn't leave me lonely.

I start thinking of all the different people that don't even approve of this, but it doesn't matter. We never let anyone tell us who we had to be with, and who we had to be.

I didn't sleep, the whole night. I just laid there, and stared in to blank space.

Our relationship was pretty much like the song. We did it all, everything ON OUR OWN.

We didn't need anything or anyone to help. It was all us.

There aren't really any words to describe how I feel. I love you, is just said so freely, that they aren't enough anymore.

I just want to be in his embrace and forget about life. I need him to remind me to find the true me,


The alarm went off.

I didn't sleep one bit. I reached over Cameron and shut off the alarm.

Cameron squirmed around.

"Morning" I kissed his cheek. His face lifted and he kissed my jaw under my ear again.

I winced in pain and my hand shot up to cover the spot. "Ow" my face scrunched.

Cameron sat up on his arms. "That hurt" I said holding it.

"Let me see" He removed my hands and lifted my hair up. He started to giggle.

"What?" I asked.

"Look for yourself" He handed me his phone that was on camera mode.

I took a picture of the spot and looked at it.

"CAMERON" My eyes widened and I yelled referring to the huge red and purple spot on my jaw.

"I made my mark, I'm whipped" he smiled.

"I can't just go out like this" I frowned.

"Guess we gotta stay in here then" He shrugged pulling me down on to his chest again and wrapping his arms around me.

"Cameron" I whined. "What?" he asked.

"If we are gonna stay here all day, please brush your teeth, it smells like shit" I covered my nose.

"Oh, yea" he breathed extra heavy to piss me off.

"THATS GROSS I am never kissing you again" I pushed him away.

"You know you want me" His leg flew up in the air and one pillow flew across the room and hit a picture frame.

"Cameron!" I burst out in laughter I couldn't even sit up straight.

"Im just feeling a bit frisky today my llama tart" He disgustingly licked his lips.

"No thanks, i'll pass" I laughed.

Guess its gonna be one of those lazy 'stay home an do nothing days'

Totally fine with that..

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