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I screwed up big time. What the hell is wrong with me.

She is making an effort to talk to me and all I am is a fucking dick!

The whole class I felt so awkward, I glanced over at her a couple times, she has glanced over but as soon I I saw she would turn to Scott.

after class•

I decided to just go home the rest of the day, I can't even think straight. I just ruined something, I just lost the one I truly love.. And wanted to spend my life with.. But that's besides the point.

I got home and texted Nash.

Big booty hoe (nash)- hey dude!

Me- hey we gotta talk, I have been thinking, maybe we could get an apartment or something downtown?

Big booty hoe- SOUNDS SICK!

Me- tru! I will start lookin!

Big booty hoe- alright bbg, gtg Cammy poo❤️😍😉

Me- fucking creepy dude.

I started looking at my computer at apartments, But as  I was scrolling through I realized I had to buy one. Pronto. I gotta leave and get away from this.


Throughout the whole day, Scott and I skipped classes and went out behind the bleachers and just talked.

"So are you excited for Prom?" He asked me.

"You really want to talk about that?" I laughed

"What just because I'm not a girl I can't ask my lovely girlfriend I she is excited for Prom?" He laughed back.

"Well, then.. Yes, I'm very excited" I smiled.

"You know how happy I am right?" He asked

"For prom? Really" I giggled

"No, with you." He said pushing a price of my hair behind my ear.

It's bad, but all I could think about was Cameron.

He always pushed my hair behind my ear.

He said he did that because it distracted people from my face, and he wanted to showcase it to the world so everyone would be jealous, like Nick Jonas.

His words not mine.

Those were the things that made him the best.

"Y-yea" I smiled back at him.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" He said laying his head in my lap, and twirling my hair in his finger.
"I'm a little frustrated I guess, confused.." I sighed

"About what?" He asked

"It's nothing.." I know he hates me bringing up Cameron.

"It's Cameron isn't it?" He huffed.

I nodded, and he sat up and pulled me in to his chest.

"I would never do that to you" he said kissing my fore-head.

"You deserve better" he added.

"And you don't deserve a girl, that just breaks down about her life every five minutes.." I slightly said

"But that's what let's me know how you feel, it's not a bad thing" she said

I smiled, maybe this can work out fine, without Cameron..

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