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I quickly answered her back.

Hey! You Have the right number haha😂-Rebecca

Phew! So why did you give me your number?-Cassidy

Honestly, I just really thought you were nice so I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out?-rebecca

OMG YES!- Cassidy

Great! Here is my address, **********, maybe you can come over on Tuesday if you don't work?-Rebecca

For sure!!-Cassidy

Great! Cya-Rebecca

Bye, Tysm- Cassidy


"Who you texting?" Cameron swung his arm around my shoulders.

"Cassidy" I shut off my phone.

"Cassidy? As in Cassidy from the diner? Like our waitress Cassidy?" Cameron looked at me weird.

"Yeah!" I looked back at him.

"Rebecca you aren't supposed to just give away your number to random people, especially not fans" Cameron sat up.

"Cam, it'll be fine. She is coming over on tuesday" I said

"Whatever you say..WAIT TUESDAY?" He went frantic.

"Yeah, why I'm not doing anything am I?" I asked confused.

"No, just invited the guys over" Cameron said.

"Oh, wait when you say 'over' does that mean my house or yours?" I asked.

"Neither" He smiled.

"Nash's house?" I asked confused

"Nope" he bit his bottom lip.

"Let's got for a drive" He totally avoided the question stood up and held his hand out.

"Cam" I whined not wanting to get up.

"C'mon lazy ass" he laughed which caused me to jump up.

"I am not a lazy ass!" I stuck my tongue out and walked in to the kitchen.

"Mom Cam and I are going for a drive" I said peeking in the doorway.

"Bye guys, have fun!" My mom smiled.

"Bye Mrs. Smith! Cameron waved and we left.


"Cam where are we going?" Rebecca asked me.

"I have no clue" I laughed and she just got even more upset.

"Seriously- wait why the hell are we in a random parking lot?" She asked.

"So we can make out in the backseat and nobody will see. Pucker up" I made a kissy face.

"Um no thanks frog lips" She stuck out her tongue.

"Why do you keep sticking out your tongue at me?" I laughed.

"Its too wet, it needs some air" she stuck it out again.

"That sounds so wrong in so many ways" I shook my head and got out of the car.

Rebecca got out and I grabbed her hand a nice elderly man opened the front door of the building.

"Where are we?" She whispered to me.

"You'll see" We continued walking, to the elevator.

"Push 18, top floor" I told her. She pushed it.

"Aye.. We had our first kiss in an elevator" I looked down at her cuddled up against me.

"Don't get any ideas Alexander" she wiggled her finger.

"I will chop off your finger, don't call me that" I grabbed it and she squealed causing us both to laugh.

"Sorry... Alexander" she laughed and the elevator door opened and she ran out and I chased her. She got to the end of the hall.

"Where the hell are we?" She started laughing.

I nodded my head and held my hand out, she grabbed it and we walked back down the hall.

"We're here" I took a key out of my back pocket and opened the door.

"What is this place, its amazing" She walked in and her head wondered.

"Welcome home" I said and her head flung towards me.

"Did you just say home?" She walked up to me.

"Yeass" I nodded.

"What? When?" She looked at me.

"Don't worry about that" I shook my head.

"Why are you such an angel?" She hugged me.

"Lets go explore!" She grabbed my hand and ran.

"Nice bedroom, where is the other one?" She asked.

"There's only one.." I looked around awkwardly.

"OH CAM THATS SO NICE!" She jumped.

"It is?" I scrunched my face.

"Yea, i don't know of any guy that would sleep on the couch so his girlfriend can sleep in the bed." She smiled devilishly.

"Oh yeah" I scratched the back of my head.

Not exactly what I was planning.

"Jeez dont cry, I'm kidding! But really holy huge bed!" She hugged me.

"Nice kitchen" She pointed as she walked down the stairs from the bedroom.

"Cam this is amazing" She smiled.

"I know, but check out the view" we walked out to the balcony.

It over looked the Hollywood Hills, and you could see the Hollywood sign in the distance, with the ocean on the other side.

"First day of the rest of our lives" She said.

Those words made me smile like an idiot. If we were a bit older I would propose right now, but we just aren't ready yet. This is just step one. One of many.

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