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I still haven't even processed this, but I think it's over between us.

"You doing alright?" Shawn turned but maintained an eye on the road.

"Honestly?" I asked.

"Yea" he replied.

"Not one little bit." I said.

"Why did you leave him"

"He had so many plans and it was all happening too fast, not to mention he constantly asked me if we could take our sexual life to the next level" I said.

"Did you?" He asked nervously and awkwardly.

"NO" I denied

"It is a tough situation" he said.

"Oh you can just bring me to the Hilton, I will get a hotel there" I said pointing to the hotel the he drove by, ignoring his comment.

"No, your staying with me in my house, there is an extra room" he insisted.

"Are you sure? I don't want to invade your privacy" I said.

"No really, I don't want to ever be alone" he said. "I mean that sound really creepy but I mean I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me when you need to" he stumbled. "But you can" he scratched his head.
"You get what I'm saying?" He kind of gave up.

"Yea" I giggled and we pulled up to a drive way that wasn't familiar.

"Aren't we going to your house?" I asked.

"Yea, this is my house" he said shutting off the car.

"Where are your parents cars?" I asked in confusion

"Oh! No this is actually my house, I bought it a little while ago, start fresh you know?" He said.

"Yea" I single stated.

"Look Rebecca, you should call him" Shawn said as we walked in to his house.

"Shawn" I was a bit annoyed.

"No. You need to stop with this. Look, I love you but you can't keep making me do this." He was frustrated.

"Do what?" I raised my voice.

"Making me feel bad for you. You know what? Your life is not the worst okay? I can't even manage to keep a girlfriend for a fucking week! So get over yourself and stop feeling bad for yourself!" He dropped my bags and stormed off.

I stood there in shock. He has NEVER acted like that. But he was 100% right. And I don't blame him one bit.

I walked outside at sat on the porch steps.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

'Cameron💕 ➡️ voice call'

The phone rang for like two seconds and he answered.

"Rebecca, are you okay?"

"Do I sound okay?"

"Guess not. Look Bec I'm really sorry"

"Honestly it's not your fault-"

"-no I should be there with you, not Shawn"

"I just don't think we should be together as of right now"

"Please Rebecca why are you just throwing this all away?"

"Cameron I told you I needed space"

"Then why did you call me?"

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