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Don't ask how, but of-coarse Rebecca fell asleep with her coffee in hand.

It was empty so I grabbed it and put it in the blue box but I noticed something different.

It had some writing on it that kind of ticked me off.

'Cool it Shawn, she probably didn't even add the number.. But I wonder who it is?

Should I text it?
No she would kill me..

These thoughts keep just running through my mind.

'What if she didn't hear me say 'I love you'. Maybe I should ask her out.
C'mon Shawn think of something.. What do me and her both have in common? HARRY POTTER. '
I thought.

I went online and bought 2 tickets to see the very first Harry Potter movie, everyday they play one and tonight was the first.

"Shawn what are you doing?" Rebecca asked coming up from behind me, guess she is awake.

"I got us tickets to go see Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone tonight at the drive in" I smiled and her face lit up.


"We leave in about half an hour" I giggled, she ran upstairs to her room.


She came back down about 25 minutes later wearing a green tank-top, with some shorts and a grey sweater and some white converse. But damn she looked great.

"Hello" Rebecca waved her hand in my face.

"Sorry, um lets go" I grabbed the keys and we walked out to the car.


The previews for the movie began and we were just eating popcorn and candy.

We sat in the trunk of my car with the hood open so it was easier to see.

The movie was about to start, everything was great until the movie actually started. It was not Harry Potter, it was the Notebook.. Explains all the older couples.

"Shawn why didn't you just tell me we were watching this?" Rebecca giggled.

"I'm sorry this isn't the rig-" she cut me off.

"You know this is my favourite movie of all time, besides Harry Potter of coarse.." She smiled.

"Oh, uh yea! I should have just told you" I shook it off.


The movie was about to finish and honestly, I hated it. It was a typical sappy romantic movie.. Nothing special, the only thing special was the girl I was with.

"Shoot" Rebecca snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked her.
"I dropped my phone" she bent down and me bending down as well, we bumped heads.

I looked in to her soft hazel eyes and noticed that she had been crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I gave her her phone and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing just a lot on my mind, movie made me a bit emotional" she was totally faking a smile.

"Do you wanna go home? The movie has like a minute left" I said.

She nodded her head.

We got out of the trunk and walked to our doors.

I started the car and drove out of the lot and back home.

It was about 11:00 so it was dark out and just the radio was playing in the silent car.

Stay with me by Sam Smith came on the radio, about half way through I felt Rebecca's hand rest over mine and she was fast asleep on the passenger side.

I smiled and looked back at the road.

We eventually got home and I woke Rebecca, we walked inside and immediately went to our rooms.

I took off my shirt and my pants because I just sleep in my boxers and I shut off my light and got in the covers. But I didn't actually go to bed, I just went in my phone to check Twitter.

I was answering back some fans when there was a knock at my door.

"Yep?" I looked up and Rebecca was standing in the doorway.

"Um can I come in?" She asked.

"Yea what's up? You alright?" I asked her.

"Um, well you see I haven't slept alone in a while so I was just wondering if, for tonight, I slept in here, with you?" she asked.

Oh my gosh.

"Yea sure" I smiled. She practically skipped over and crawled in to bed next to me.

She nestled up against my chest and grabbed my hands to wrap around her tiny waist.

"Thank-you Shawn" she hugged me.

"Your welcome" I replied.

"No, really thanks. For everything" her face got closer to mine and her eyes met with mine.

I pushed a piece of her hair back behind her ear and leaned in. It's worth a try, right?

She quickly grabbed my face and our lips connected for a good while.

She let go and placed her hand gently on my cheek and kissed me again-

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