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"So, Cameron where are you taking me?" Stephanie asked with a disgusting smirk on her face.
So selfish..

"Oh, I wanted to go visit Ian in the county prison.." I said hoping she would buy it.

"Oh, great! Haven't seen him in a while!" She squealed.

We pulled in to the parking lot, and made our way to the front doors.

She smiled at me, I awkwardly smiled back at her.

"Hi, how may I help you two?" The lady at the desk asked.

"We're here to see Ian Jo-" I cut off Stephanie.

"No, actually we are here to turn her in" I said grabbing Stephanie's arm.

"What? Let go of me!" She said in complete sass.

"What has this young lady done?" The officer at the desk asked.

"She committed animal abuse, and death threats"


The officer paged someone as Stephanie struggled to get out of my grip.

"Cameron why are you doing this.. You're my boyfriend.." She sassed.

"No, I'm not and I never was. I love Rebecca." I said handing her over to the 3 officers that came running in.

The cuffed her and basically dragged her to through long hallway... Who knows where it led.

"Thank-you sir" the officer said.

"No problem" I spoke up, and I walked out.

Time to get my girl back.


After about 3 hours Catherine and I were still talking.

I felt a buzz under my hand, I looked down at my phone and I had a text message.

Sarah💛- hey becs, where are you I haven't talked to you in ages!

Me- Cameron and I broke up, im at Diane's Diner, you wanna come!

Sarah💛- yea! See you there in a bit

"Okay, I better go but good luck with this! It was nice meeting you!" Catherine said getting up.

We exchanged numbers and I gave her a hug as she walked out.

I sat back down, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, Scott.

"How did you find m-" I got cut off when his lips crashed in to mine.


I didn't know where she went.

I decided on texting Sarah.

Me- hey you know where Rebecca is?

Sarah future wilkinson- why do you care, you broke up..

Me- please?

Sarah future wilkinson- Diane's Diner..

I didn't even answer I just ran to the diner.

I was running in to the front door, when I spotted Rebecca with a guy.

She looked confused.

But then I saw something that I didn't want, or need to see.

He pulled her in for a kiss but she didn't pull away.

"Whoa.." A person said behind me.

I turned around and saw Sarah.

"Who- who's that?" I asked as tears swelled in my eyes.

"I don't know.." Sarah said.

I pushed my way out of the diner, and went back home.

Time to move on. Clearly she has.


The kiss ended after about 30 seconds which felt like 30 minutes.

"I felt something back home, I needed to see if it was real" he said taking my hand.

"I-I" I couldn't get words out, I was in complete shock.

"Rebecca, I want to hold you in my arms, and call you beautiful, and mine" he said

I smile, and felt my cheeks going red.
"Cameron is happy, you should be happy too." He added.

But was Cameron happy? I guess he is because he didn't chase after me or do anything about Stephanie.. He would have walked right through that door right now if he really wanted me back.

I hugged him tightly.

"I'm happy with you" I smiled.

"Happy enough to be my girlfriend?" He added

I nodded yes, and he pulled me in for a bear hug.

"My mom wants me home to make dinner, I will see you after" he said pecking me on the lips, we literally had this great thing happen and now he leaves.. Alright?

I sat back down, but was startled by someone calling my name.

"Who was that?" Sarah said loudly and sat in front of me

"My new boyfriend.." I I scrunched my nose.

"That was quick.." She scoffed.

"Well, Cameron is happy, I want to be happy too" I said.

"Well if your happy, I'm happy" she said sitting down in front of me.

We talked for about half and hour before Sammy had called her to go home because he had the shits.

"Okay, baby I will be home soon. Just stop talking about it" Sarah giggled

"Gotta go, Sammys sick" she giggled as I said bye.

I sat back and thought about everything. Was I really happy?

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