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All of the guys were walking in, each of them having their own different features.

"Rebecca, this is Shawn, Nash, Taylor, Carter, Matt, Aaron, Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson. Guys this is Rebecca" Cameron said as I shook each of their hands except for Taylor.

"I'm not shaking you hand, I'm a hugger" he smiled engulfing me in a hug.

I laughed "nice to meet you"

They were all really nice, and to be honest I follow them all on social media, but I'm not a super fangirl.

It seemed that they made Cameron really happy, so that made me happy.


I introduced the guys to Rebecca and so on, and so we all went to go watch T.V.

Rebecca was the first on to walk in to the living room leaving me and Nash behind.

I'm probably the closest with Nash because he lives just a couple houses down the street.

"She likes you.. "Nash whispered in my ear.

"I would hope so.." I said

"Oh shit, you guys are dating!" He said a little loud forcing everyone to look at me.

Rebecca's cheeks got beat red as her head flung our way.

"Awkward..." Taylor laughed.

"Well I SHIP IT! Shipped it since my foot reached the doorstep" Matt shrieked.

"I think you guys make a cute couple" Aaron said

"Rebecca I wrote a song, it would be perfect for you and Cameron" Shawn said

"Sing it for me" she said.

"Wait I want to here this" I said with a suspicious look on my face.

There were no more seats on the couch so Rebecca let me take her seat.

I felt bad and so I let her squish in and cuddle next to me.

"You guys ready?" Shawn asked

We all said yes, and he began.

And then stopped.

"Cameron you can I borrow that guitar?" He asked pointing to my old guitar in the corner of the room.

"Yea go ahead" I said

He got it and began again, strumming the guitar.

"Cameron Dallas is my boyfriend, and I love him so.." He sang and it continued on.

"Why would you come up with that? It's so random." Rebecca asked.

"Well at Magcon all the girls flaunted over Cam so I made the Cameron Dallas song" he said

"Your really good!" Rebecca said

He pretended to flip what hair he had.
"Tell me something I don't know hunny" he said sassily.

She started laughing, like crazy.

She has such a cute laugh.


I don't know why but I feel like Shawn and I are just going to become fast friends.

"So tell us about yourself Rebecca" Jack J said.

"Well, I'm 19, I am an only child, my parents abandoned me pretty much, I don't have a job, I don't have a house , I was bullied in school so I don't have any friends, and I have an amazing boyfriend named Cameron with a mom who is an amazing cook." I said putting on a fake smile.

Cameron squeezed me tight. and kissed me on the temple.

I smiled, and looked back at the guys.

They had sad looks on their faces.

"I'm sorry." Each of them said in different ways.

"Hey, I'm happy now, don't apologize" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"We should call Mahogany" Shawn said.

"Good idea!" Jack said

"Who's that?" I asked

"It's the girl that came to magcon with us, she is awesome. She's dating Nash" Cameron explained.

"Whoa, we aren't dating.. We are just friends" Nash said.

"Sure" everyone said.

I laughed at the immaturity that they all had.

For dinner, we ordered pizza.


"So guys I think we should totally have a slumber party! HASHTAG BESTIES HASHTAG SLUMBER PARTY
HASHTAG YOU CANT SIT WITH US!" Matt yelled again with a valley girl voice.

"No sorry guys you can't, Rebecca has to go to the doctor to get her results tomorrow morning so we can't.." Cameron said.

"No, you guys can sleep over, just tomorrow you will be here alone for a bit that's all" I spoke up.

"Are you sure?" Cameron said
"Yea, it's nothing anyways" I re-assured him.

"Why do you have to get test results?" Taylor asked.

"Well yesterday morning, I was throwing up after I woke up in the morning, and is had a migraine ever since so we just want to make sure it's nothing serious" I said

"Eww" Carter said with a disgusted face.

"Oh, well it sounds like it could be the flu maybe?" Taylor said.

"That's what I said" I replied.
"Guys I'm tired I'm going to head up to bed, but you guys have fun I guess." I said not really wanting to explain anything.

I kissed cameron goodnight and I walked up stairs.


"She's great" Jack G said

"I know" I said

"When did you guys start dating?" Shawn asked

"3 days ago, not long, but we have known each-other our whole lives" I added

"And she already lives with you?" Taylor asked

"You sure she don't have morning sickness, she's not preggers?" Carter asked with a stupid smirk.

"Yeah I'm sure" I said riling my eyes. He can be so stupid sometimes

"Okay but why does she live with you?" Taylor asked again.

"Yea, after I brought her home when she spent the night here because when she woke up there was an eviction notice on her front door" I said

"I'm not just going to leave her in the dust" I added

"What happened?" Shawn asked.

I explained them all the story and they were astonished.

That kind of ended the night, and we all went to bed.

I walked up to my room. I pulled over the covers and slid in beside Rebecca.

I kissed her nose ever so slightly.

"Goodnight princess" I said

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. I want her to feel safe in my arms.

"I love you" she said silently

"I love you too" I replied.
I set the alarm for 6:30 because our appointment was at 7:30.

And we drifted off to sleep.

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