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I woke up the next morning to the alarm, and I was wrapped in Cameron's arms.

I untangled myself and got dressed.

I put on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt.

I guess today I won't get sick? Cool.

I went to go wake up Cameron.

I kissed him, but he didn't wake up.

I kissed him for a little longer and his eyes fluttered open.

"Figures" I giggled
"Morning" I smiled walking away to get some socks.

"More kisses for cammy?" He said with a baby voice.

I jumped on the bed and I accidentally jumped on his leg.

"Oww" he whined

"Sorry" I said kissing his 'boo boo'.

He sat up revealing his toned body.

Wow he actually has abbs, and muscles now..

"What?" He asked noticing that I was staring at his 'gorge bod'

"Cammy actually has some muscle tone now I see" I smiled

"I worked out a lot for Magcon, I was eating a lot of junk" he said.

"You should feel these rock hard abbs" he said rubbing his hand over his stomach.

"No thanks, get up" I said yanking him by the arms.

"I'm up!" He said

He put on a pair of kakis and a black t-shirt and red vans.

The guys were still sleeping down-stairs so we just left them a note.

We drove to the clinic, and we got a room right away.

The doctor came in as I sat on the table again.

"So it seems that the possibilities that we have come up with are highly unlikely, we are going to need to see an ultrasound." He said

"Whatever we need to do to figure this out" I said, nerves building up.

I followed him to another room, and sat on the chair, Cameron followed.

He sat beside me holding my hand.

The doctor spread a cold gel on my stomach making me flinch.

He turned on the camera and put on his headphone things.

He spread out the gel.

"Mhm, okay, uh huh" he said and he took off the instrument around his ears.

"This is so fricken weird" I whispered to Cameron.

"For you? How about me?" He stuck out his tongue, causing me to smile.

"Well, Ms, Jones.. I'm cant tell you for sure, what the cause is from your morning sickness the other day" he said.

"Let me print the picture, I will be right back." He said

The doctor walked out of the room.

"Morning fucking sickness? I am not pregnant!" I flipped over to Cam.

"I mean, he knows something is up" Cameron said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh god" I hugged falling back on to the chair.


The doctor walked back in about 20 minutes later.

Me and Cameron both looked at each other, he squeezed my hand tight.

"Well, the cause of the sickness just turns out to be that you're pregnant" The doctor stated.

My mouth dropped and so did Cameron's.

"But that's impossible, I haven't done anything.." I said

"Its in the picture Rebecca, it's not a lie" he said

"You may leave when you wish" he said getting up out of the room.

"Cam.." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

He said nothing, he just walked out.

The car ride was silent.

"Cameron I swear, I haven't even seen anyone else in the last week that I have had any romantic interest with" I said

"I believe you I just don't get it- how could this have even happened? oh my god." He stopped

"What?" I asked

"We need to prepare for this, we are 19." He said

"I know, what will people say.. Cameron I can't have a baby, I'm 19" I said I said and the tears began once again.

"We will figure something out, I promise, we just need to get home." He said taking my hand.


Cameron and I walked to the door and he placed his hand on my back.

We walked in and were greeted by all of the guys.

I forgot they were here.

"Hey guys!" Matt said coming up to hug both of us.

"Hey Rebecca are you okay?" He asked

I looked at Cameron, he nodded.

"Guys I need to tell you something" I said and they all looked at me with worried faces.

"What's wrong?" Hayes asked.

"I think you guys better sit down" Cameron said putting his arm around my waist.

Everyone took a seat, so did me and Cam.

"Well you guys know how I went to get my results.. Well they came in" I said

"Oh my god, you're dying" Hayes said putting his head in to Nash's shoulder.

"No hayes.. She isn't dying" cameron laughed.

"Well, I'm pregnant" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Everyone's jaws dropped.


I could see Rebecca's eyes, and they were starting to water. I could tell how this was hard for her.

"Bec, it's ok-" I tried cheering her up.

"I'm gonna go upstairs.. I need to be by myself" she said walking away wiping her tears.

"Cam, you have been dating for what 3 days and already you knocked her up?" Jack G said

"No see that's the problem.. She doesn't know who's it is.. She hasn't done anything.." I explained.

"That's not good" Carter said

"I don't mean to be a complete ass but I think you guys should leave" I said

They all agreed, and left shortly after.
I walked upstairs to go check up on Rebecca.

I found her laying in bed crying.

"Rebecca.." Cameron said sitting beside me.

"Cam, what am I going to do.. I don't want to abort the baby.. But I also am not ready to have a baby." I said sitting up.

"I'm going to help you, I will be here for you every step of the way. " he said.

I smiled. He pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and kissed me.

"Thank-you" I said.

"You're going to be a great mom"

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