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He looked at me with the biggest frown on his face.
I noticed that his eyes were turning red and they were getting puffy while filling up will tears.

"Rebecca, I-im so sorry" He said balling his eyes at this point.

"Cam, I didn't mean for you to-" he cut me off.

"No. I never. EVER. Wanted you to feel like you had to be someone else besides yourself. I don't want you to change because of me. I love you because you are yourself, but not someone you aren't. So why even bother being someone else if its just going to drag us apart." He muffled his words.

"I just really feel like I need to compete with the millions of girls out there that would die to be with you." I threw my body backward and slouched in frustration.

"Rebecca, I love my fans. You know that, but I love them as if they are my family. I treat them as if they are my family. That love I have towards them is a family bond. With you it's more than that. Bec, the love I have for you is- no words describe the way I feel about you. The love I have for you is invincible, and infinite. Rebecca our love is not a family love. Its an infinite and passionate love. And that can not be broken." He said almost shouting, with tears falling down his eyes.
I sat there in complete aw of what this 19 year old, crazy, immature, incredibly sweet kid just said to me.

"I never want what we have to lessen. You don't think I'm scared too? Im scared that one day I'm going to screw up and you are going to just find someone better. Anyone could be better. You deserve the world, and I'm sorry but i can't give that to you. But I can give you me, and in me you will have love." his breathing was back to a steady pace as he began to stand up and look down at me. Still tears spilling down his cheeks.

"Cameron, there is no possible way that I could ever find anyone like you. That's why I don't want to leave. Thats what draws me back to you. Nobody has what you have. Cam, your heart is so big. You are the most compassionate person I have ever met. I have never met a person that has so much kindness, so much love to give and share." I smiled.

"I would love to share it with you" he said

I stood up and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me so tight and secured.

That was it. I have always said 'he is the man of my dreams', and that one day we're gonna get married but I know now. This is the guy I want to be with. This was the very moment when I truly did fall in love with him.

I don't just love him. I'm in love with Cameron Alexander Dallas.


It hit me like a train. I'm in love with this girl. Truly, madly and deeply in complete love with Rebecca Smith.

"Rebecca?" I asked in a baby voice.

"Mhm?" She mumbled in my chest.

"Did you just get hit by a train with thoughts? Because I did" I said and she giggled.

"You're a mind reader.." She giggled.

"Okay we need to establish that we are having a wedding at a beach, and we are having 3 kids, and buying a nice house. Somewhere.." I said squinting my eyes as she began laughing.

"You honestly make me so happy, I can't wait until I can officially call you my wife and your all mine" I grabbed on to her wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"Woah woah woah. Settle! Let's take one step at a time." She giggled, and little snort came out.

Se covered her face in embarrassment. I grabbed her hand and her cheeks were red.

I looked in to her deep brown eyes.

I placed a subtle and soft kiss on her lips.

"Mmm strawberry?" I said licking my lips.

"Why are you so weird?" She hopped up.

"Hey wait!" I got up as well and walked up to her.

"You know what I haven't done I a long time?" I smirked.

"Oh no" she shook her and and tried running but I got a hold of her and flung her over my shoulder.

"Cam" she whined.

"Hey Rebecca?" I asked as her head dangled behind me.

"What?" She whined.

"Enjoy that" I snickered.

"Enjoy wha- CAMERON" She yelled.

Why did she yell my name? Well because I completely farted in her face. Gotta love her.

I don't even know why I threw that in at the end lol.

Thanks for reading, make sure to comment and fav:p


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