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Rebecca and Shawn came off the stage and I ran up to Rebecca.

I pulled her away as she was about to hug Shawn.

"Cameron" she giggled and I grabbed her hand and ran to a back storage room.

"I need to ask you something" I asked her

"What?" She replied as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Do you have feelings for someone other than me?" I asked her and her eyes went wide.

"Well that depends who are you referring to?" She smirked

"Uh.. Um.. Shawn" I scoffed.

"What no! I mean I have a strong attraction to a couple people but not Shawn, we are just friends" she was surprised.

"So you do have feelings for other people?" I leaned back on the wall and my hands covered my eyes.

"Ya" she said.

"Zac Efron, but there's another guy too" she looked guilty.

I took my hands from my eyes and move them up to my forehead.

"Just tell me" I said flatly.

"His name is.... Cameron Alexander Dallas. MAN HE IS SO HOT, so many girls say that he is such a good kisser!" She exaturated.

My head flung up. She walked up to me and planted a kiss on my lips.

"I told you I love you... But I'm not gonna lie, Jack G is really sexy" she laughed

"Your mine" I pulled her in for a hug and tightly squeezed her.

"Nash's eyes give me the feels" she whispered in my ear.

I kissed her.


"And Carters Chinese Chicken Balls" she giggled.

"THATS IT!" I yelled. I slid my hand under her legs and picked her up.

"Cam put me down!" She squealed.

I ran out of the room and out to the stage.

"Aaron mic!" I yelled and he handed me a mic, I still kept a squirmy Rebecca in my arms.

"Everyone there is something I need to say!" I yelled and all the crowd went silent.

"Rebecca is my girlfriend!" I yelled and the crowd was filled with cheers followed by a couple boos.

"Can I get down now?" Rebecca giggled in my ear.

I out her down and she kissed my cheek before sitting on the stage.



I was walking to my room when I felt a pair of hands on my hips.

I turn around expecting it to be Cameron and I pull him in.

Faces inches away I open my eyes and fall back.

"Damn! So close!" Jack G stumbled.

"What the hell Jack?" I was in shock.

"I mean, don't get me wrong but I was trying to scare you but you pulled me in so I figured why not" he said with a straight face.

I couldn't help but giggle. I got up and walked back to the room with Jack. We opened the door.

"Becca" I heard Cameron whine from the room.

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