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Cameron and I were waiting at the exit of the Big Kahuna ride when I spotted someone that looked familiar in the distance.

He began to walk closer.

I squinted my eyes and I felt my arms begin to tremble in fear.

"Cameron hide me!" I said crouching down behind him.

"What's wrong?" He asked

I pointed over to the direction of him.

"Ian." Cameron said in complete disgust and anger.

He tried covering me, but it was too late, he had already caught me.

"Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca, you didn't really think you could hide from me for that long do you?" He said reaching out for my face but Cameron swatted his hand away.

"Your still with this douche?" He snapped

"Your calling him the douche? I can't believe they let you out of jail" I shook my head.

"Don't touch her" Cameron blurted.


"Oh don't worry, I touched her enough" he winked at her causing her to cough in disgust.

"I swear I will rip out your throat out!" I said so angrily you could see the veins about to burst in my neck

"What has happened to you Ian?" Rebecca said with a disappointed look.

"You happened" he said.

"OH CUT THE SHIT!" I yelled.

"Hey hey hey what's going on here?" Sammy said walking over to us.

"This is Ian" Cameron said not leaving Ian's death stare.

"Okay buddy please leave" Sammy said stepping closer to him, along with Nash.

They pushed Rebecca to the side, behind me.


Then he looked down at his pocket with a smirk and pulled something out slightly.

The bright shine of a sharp blade sparkled in the creases of his hand.

"Woah dude we don't want any harm" Sammy said, raising his hands and Cameron's grip got tighter on me.

"Ian please don't do anything you will regret, you know that we all know those 3 numbers to dial if you decide to be a fuck up again" I said.

"Oh don't worry baby, I have bigger plans.." He smiled and walked away blowing a kiss my way.

"What's up his ass?" Jasmine asked innocently.

"He did some bad things to me, that's all" I said

"I'm never going to let anything happen to you, not again. I just got you back, I'm not letting you go again." Cameron said pulling me in to a hug.

I smiled.

"We should go before he comes back" Nash said scratching the back of his head.

"No it's fine-" I got the evil eye from Cameron

"We gotta leave, Bec he has every reason to come back, we need to leave now" he said inter-twining his fingers with mine and walking, as Nash, Jasmine, and Sarah and Sammy followed closely behind.

We got in to the car and drove.

"How about we go to IHOP? my treat!" Jasmine piped up breaking the awkward silence.

"Usually I say no, BUT YES" Sarah laughed

We all agreed and Cameron re-routed to IHOP.

We walked in.

"Hi, how many?" The young girl at the counter asked.

"6 please" Jasmine smiled

She sat us at a booth.

"Here are the menu's, I will be back, oh the names Alex" the girl said winking at Cameron.

My head shot over to Nash.

"D-I-d y-o-U j-U-s-t s-e-e t-h-a-t?" I mouthed to him referring to the girl.

He nodded with a laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" Cameron asked confused at Nash.

"Nothing, just the fact that your girlfriend is jealous about that waitress totally flirting with you" he laughed.

"She was not.." He insisted

"Sure..." Sammy continued.

5 minutes later

"You ready?" She said leaning up against the table.

Everyone ordered, Cameron and I were last.

"Can I get a chocolate chip pancake with strawberries and whipped cream?" He asked

"Sure thing" she said winking again but this time slowly taking the menu away from him.

"Oh and my girlfriend would like the same" he said lengthening girlfriend.

She gave me a dirty look and stomped away.

"Awe someone was jealous! It's not my fault the ladies love me" Cameron said

"Yea.. Sure" I laughed.
Our food came about 5 minutes later.

We all ate, and laughed about the past night. Man was that pancake good!

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