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Cameron and I started to drive to school.

We parked the car and grabbed our bags from the trunk.

We were walking in to the front doors of the school, when Cameron interlocked his fingers with mine.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Don't want to make you look like you are available" he said shrugging his shoulders.

We went to the office to get our class schedule.

"I'm didn't get in to the art programme.." I sighed putting my hand on my forehead.

"Well then they clearly don't have eyes, because your amazing.." He said pecking me in the lips making me feel a bit better.

"What classes do you have?" He asked looking at his paper.

"Chem with Mr. Larch" I said

"Same" he smiled

"Regular art with Mr. Can"

"Same..." He said

We went on and on with our classes realizing we had all four of the same classes.

Me and Cameron walked to first period, being Chemistry.

We sat at the back of the class beside each other and we just talked.

About five minutes later Matt walked in and came up to us.

"Hey guys! We have chemistry together!" He said taking a seat beside Cameron.

I started filling out my agenda, for dates and Cameron and Matt were talking.

Someone tapped my desk. I look up and flinch backwards.

"ELLOO" Shawn yelled.

"Oh my gosh Shawn! You gave me a heart attack for a second there.." I laughed.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked pointing to the seat next to me.

"Yup, it's yours" I smiled.

"Great" he smiled


After Chemistry, Cameron and I went to Art class.

Then English, and to end the day we had a spare so we just went home early.

"Hello?" Cameron yelled calling to see if anyone was home.

"Nope just us" he said looking at me.

I put my bag down in the living room and walked in to the kitchen to make a tea.

"Cameron do you want a coffee?" I asked him

"Yea" he said throwing his hands around my waist.

"What do you want.." I laughed

"It's not that simple" he whined

"Cameron don't you start going all Notebook on me.." I laughed.

"Can I have like just a kiss?" He asked.

"Really Cam?" I said turning around.

He kissed my neck catching me completely off guard.

I fell back on to the counter making the hot water form my tea fall on my hand.

"OW" I yelled grabbing my hand.

"Crap sorry" he said.

"Here" he said picking me up by my waist and placing me on the counter.

He got me a pack of ice and placed it on my hand.

"Thanks" I smiled

"If I didn't just fricken-"

I cut him off by placing a small kiss on his lips.

"It's okay" I said in between kisses.

Cameron pulled away slightly biting his bottom lip.

He picked me up by my waist and not breaking the kiss he walked up to his room.

He set me on the bed and crawled on top of me.

My hands slipped under his shirt revealing his perfectly chizzled abs.

He pulled of his shirt, and he tried unbuckling his pants but I stopped him. "im sorry" I said.

He slowly but my lip, making the kiss even more intense.

All of a sudden we heard footsteps leading up stairs.

Our eyes widened. He jumped up too fast and chomped down on my bottom lip.

Cameron covered my mouth as I tried not to scream in pain.

He looked down at himself and realized that he was half naked.

"Cameron? Rebecca? Are you guys in here" someone said walking up to the door.

"I-m-s-o-R-R-y" cameron mouthed running in to the bathroom.

Just as the person opened the door, I quickly got my phone and pretended that I was on it.

"Hey Nash" I sighed in relief.

"What happened to your lip" he said walking in to the room.

"Ugh, I-"

Cameron opened the door revealing his almost half naked body.

"Is he gone?" He said

My eyes widened I waved my hands in a 'no, go away' motion but it was too late.

Oh God..

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