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I sat there, people all around were crying.

People were going up to the podium and saying their perfectly written speeches.

"Rebecca would you like to say a few words?" Sarah's crying dad asked.

I nodded yes, and I walked up.

I looked down at the paper in front of my face that had my speech written on it.

"I had written a speech, but I'd rather speak from my heart" I said crumpling the white sheet of paper.

"Man, where do I begin" I started.

"Sarah, she was the sister I never had. Still is. Always will be. To be quite honest, no words really describe what she meant to me-" and I felt the tears coming.

"There's a lot more I would love to say, and I could go on for hours, but i'd like to keep that in my heart. Love you Sarah, rest in peace." I said waking down from the podium, and Sammy went up behind me.

"Sarah, my wife" he said as a single tear fell from his eye.

"She was my everything, my whole life was devoted to her. I love her to the moon and back and then again and infinity amount of times. She is the only girl I ever thought about. Her soul, was just so genuine and she will always be in my heart. The impact she made on my life is everlasting. It pains me to say that she is gone, but she is in a better place.
I firmly believe that God has a plan for all of us, and everything happens for a reason. Sarah was and always will be the love of my life. Love you baby" he said kissing the paper in front of him and placing it in her casket.

At this point everyone was crying.

You could see the pain in Sam's eyes that he was trying to keep in.

The funeral was over, we said bye to everyone and made our way back home.

"Rebecca I know you may not be in the mood right now, but maybe we could start packing?" Cameron asked me.

"Yea" I said, and I grabbed boxes from Cameron's closet and started packing some of his things.

"I'm just going to the bathroom." he said, I laid on his bed.

Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


I woke up in a car and I look over to see Cameron driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked stretching my arms.

"Geez your awake! You have been asleep all day! It's not Friday anymore" he said

"What? What are you talking about? How did I get here?" I asked in shock

"We are going to the house, I packed all of your stuff, I brought you in here. You slept all day and through the nights until now" he smiled

"Well then" I giggled a bit.

"What?" He looked over.

"Nothing, just surprised" I smiled.

"I know, I tried waking you up yesterday but you were fast asleep." He explained.

"How long have we been driving? Where is this house anyways?" I asked him looking around to an unfamiliar area.

"The house is in Malibu, that's all I'm saying! The rest is a surprise, we have been driving for about and hour though" he smiled

"Cameron you can't do that!" I faught.

"Oh, but I bought it so I can" he insisted.

"Whatever you say captain" I said

"Full steem ahead" He added with a laugh.

We pulled up to a street, and to a house. My jaw dropped at what I saw. The most beautiful house. Our, house.

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