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I parked the car and ran inside, Rebecca trailing behind.

I ran to the front desk.

"Hi um, I'm looking for my grandmo-" someone cut me off.

"Cameron" my mom said. I turned around and went up to her and hugged her.

"Honey we can't see her yet" my mom kissed my forehead.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked as my mom hugged Rebecca.

"We hope, but the doctor's aren't sure" my mom said and we sat back down.


I paced up and down the hallway, they still aren't letting us in.

"Cam do you want something to eat?" Rebecca asked me.

"Are you crazy! I am not hungry at a time like this" I scolded her.

"S-sorry" she stepped back and began to walk away with her head down.

Shit. "Bec wait" I lightly jogged and caught up to her.

"Sorry, it's just all stressful" I said placing my hand on her back.

"It's alright, I'm going to that café downstairs" she kept walking.

"Hey wait" I scampered over to her and she turned around.

"you okay?" I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Yes I'm fine" she kind of shrugged me off and kept walking.

Damn what did I do now..

I walked down stairs and got a coffee.

I'm so stupid. So insensitive. Yea I was a bit ticked off at how he got frustrated with me but he had a reason! I'm just doing the same for no reason.

I gotta talk to him.

I walked back up stairs and saw him leaning against the entrance door.

I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey" I said.

"You alright? Did I do something?" He flipped around.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm really fine" I shook my head.

He pulled me in to a hug.

"So how is she?" I asked  him.

"The doctors said she will recover, but she needs to be left alone, so we can't visit. Basically he said that there is no point being here so we should just go rest because she will be fine" he shrugged his shoulders.

"That's good" I smiled.

"Let's go I'm tired and my head hurts" he said walking out with his hand around my shoulder.

"Oh, your time of the month again?" I giggled.

"Ha-ha very funny" he stuck his tongue out at me.

We got in to the car and drove home.

I remember him talking to me about some restaurant but then I drifted off to sleep.


Next thing I know I'm being picked up and brought upstairs to the apartment. Yes I'm awake, but why would I tell him that.

He gently placed me in bed and put the covers over top of me and crawled in from the other side.

He shut off the lamp.

"Good-night bee" he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around my back.

"I love you" I mumbled.

"You were awake this whole time weren't you" he giggled.

"Maybe" I smirked.

"Goodnight bee" he said again.

"Why do you still call me that" I laughed.

"Because you are my little bee" he kissed me.

I smiled. "Goodnight" I said as I cuddled in to his warm bare chest.

"Love you"
"Love you"

Love is Love |c.d|Where stories live. Discover now