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1 year and 4 months later...

"Mom I need my vail" I giggled before walking out of the room.

"Oh!" She scurried towards the table to grab my vail.

Once she came back she put it on my head and kissed my forehead.

"You ready?" The planner asked.

I looked in the mirror one more time before walking out.

I smiled big. "I'm ready" I said and I turned to the door and my mom helped me down the stairs.

I could hear some music playing in the distance as we followed the trail.

Finally we reached the arch and I see all of our closest friends and family gathered alongside the beach and ocean from behind.

I looked at Cameron he smiled and winked at me as he stood at the altar.

I smiled and looked down at my feet.

"Ready sweety?" My dad linked arms with me.

"Ready as I will ever be" I smiled at him and the music began to the classic walking down the aisle song.

Cameron's eyes were on me the whole time I walked down and I noticed they were getting watery as I got closer.

We reached the end and I hugged my dad.

"I love you" I said and he kissed my cheek.

He shook Cameron's hand and then Cameron reached out for mine.

I walked towards him.

"You look beautiful" he whispered as we settled in to our spots holding hands a cross from each other.

The priest began.

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Cameron Dallas and Rebecca Smith in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so they have decided to live together as husband and wife."

"Do you Rebecca Smith, take Cameron Alexander Dallas to be your lawfully wedded husband, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?" He continued.

"I do" I smiled.

"Do you Cameron Alexander Dallas, take Rebecca Smith to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?"

"OH YEAH" he said really loud nodding his head causing us to all laugh.

"Now the rings please" the priest asked.

Nash walked to us and gave us the rings.

"Cameron" he said and Cam began.

"I Cameron give you Rebecca this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." He said and he slid the ring on to my left ring finger.

"And you Rebecca"

"I Rebecca give you Cameron this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." I smiled sliding the ring in to his finger.

"And now, by the power vested in me by the State of California, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife." He said and everyone stood up and began to clap.

"You may kiss your bride." He said and Cameron lifted my veil, placed his hand on my cheeks and kissed me.

When he let go he smiled, I have never in my whole life seen him smile so big.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you, for the first time, Mr and Mrs. Cameron Dallas" he said happily and then Cameron and I walked back down the aisle.

People blew bubbles in to the air above us.

It was the best day of my life.

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