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The night was full on partying hard, eating, drinking, just fun.

Every time I looked over at her, it's like my heart got all warm and it kinda kicked in.

She is forever mine, this girl is my wife and of all we have been through, it was for this moment.

As I'm thinking about all of this I can feel my eyes getting watery as my vision blurs.

I got up and walked outside to the little waterfall and climbed up to sit on a rock.

Looking up at the stars I can only imagine what the future holds.

"Cam why are you sitting out here, I've been looking for you everywhere" Rebecca said climbing the rock in her dress and sitting next to me.

"Thinking" I smiled to he and I grabbed her hand.

"I know, I'm stuck with you now" she stuck her tongue out.

"Again with the tongue" I shook my head giggling.

"Most people left" she said.

"Well I'm tired so... Let's leave now" I smiled devilishly.

"We can't do that, c'mon lets go dance" she stood up and held out her hand.

I grabbed it and as she turned I twirled her around and kissed her.

"You always have the cheesiest ways of makin me feel special" she smiled and we walked back.

When we got back mostly everyone had left except for our parents and families.

"You two are so cute" Sierra said coming up to us.

"Oh my God I literally can't    Yoeven wait for you two to have millions of babies." My friend Alayne from work, also my bridesmaid said to us.

"What do you think the honeymoon is for?" Cameron raised his eyebrows up and down and nudged me.

"Oh be quiet" I laughed and I pushed him.

"We are going to head out now" my mom said coming up to us.

"Yea us too" Cameron's mom said.

Before I knew it, the wedding was over.

We paid the hall and grabbed a few last things before leaving.

We got home at about 4:30am.

"Becca I don't think you understand how much you actually mean to me. Like I would rather get hit by a bus and die if I didn't have you" Cameron said as I got in to bed.

"Well that was very intense, you must have thought that out before you said it huh?" I giggled.

"Maybe a bit, just tryna get the point across." He smiled while shutting off the lamp and crawling in to bed next to me.

"I love you baby" he kissed me.

"I love you too Cam" I kissed him back.
I wrapped my arms under his as he wrapped his around me and I kept my head in the crook of his neck before drifting off to sleep.

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