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I tried again this time for longer.

My eyes were shot open when I felt his tongue slip in to my mouth and our lips were moving in-sync.

I pulled away.

"What the hell" I said confused.

"I just wanted a kiss" he smirked.... Wiggling his eyebrows.

"YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" I said pushing him over.

"Well you clearly knew what you were doing.." He said as if he was impressed.

"I was a life guard.. But how the heck did you hold hold your breath for that long!?" I questioned

"It's one of my many talents" he said

"What happened to your pants?" He laughed at me

I looked down and remembered I was had taken them off when I was 'saving his life'.

"I was trying to save your life but they were in the way" I said embarrassed.

"Oh come on! I have seen you naked, and you're scared to be wearing that long shirt!" He said noticing my embarrassment.

"What?! You saw me naked! WHEN?" I said, now I feel violated.

"When our moms bathed us together when we were 3, because I made you jump n the mud and then I fell in too." He laughed

"Oh.. I thought you meant like recent!" I sighed in relief.

"I still saw your boobs!" He laughed

"You were 3, I looked like a guy when I was 3" I squinted.

"Well still, I felt like a real man" he said crossing his arms.

"Whatever, I feel very violated now" I said flipping my hair.




"Bee bee"

"Don't call me BEE BEE" I turned

"I'm sawy babe" he whined

I giggled and hugged him.

"Alright let's go" he said getting up and holding out his hand for me to take.

I got up and grabbed my bag putting on a pair of shorts and Cameron and I walked down the beach.

"There's our ride" he said pointing to a black Jeep.

I ran to the truck and got in throwing my bag in the back.

I turned around and Cameron was still walking over.

"HURRY UP YOU'RE SO SLOW!" I whined making him run to the car.

"Where are we off to?" I asked

"We are going on a.. Wait for it... Shopping spree" he said

I started laughing.

"Where are we actually going?" I asked

".. Shopping" he said

"Oh! You weren't kidding!!" I said getting excited.

We drove to the mall. I grabbed Cameron's hand and ran in to the mall.

We went in to a couple stores, and I wanted to go in to Victoria Secret.

"You can wait out here if you want" I said to him.

"No I will come" he said standing up straight.

"Alright.." I said giving him a weird look.

We walked in, and he looked around like a kid in a candy store.

I needed to buy a bra but that was it so I went to my size drawer.

"Geez they done have specific drawers at  American Eagle for guys sizes" he said

I giggled.

"What about this one?" He said holding up a DD bra that had black lace. Wiggling his eyebrows.

"Please don't do that" I whined referring to his eyebrows.

"Excuse me ma'am is this man bothering you?" The worker asked

"No, he's my boyfriend" I giggled

"Oh, it's just he looked a little creepy with those eyebrows" she said and walked away making me laugh.

"Wow look at all the girls sticking together" he whined

I decided to get the bra that Cameron picked up, but my size.

"Well that was weird" Cameron said as we walked out of the store.

"Well, you wanted to come in" I laughed

"Okay, I can't take the mall anymore" he huffed.

"Actually I kinda wanna leave" I yawned.

We walked back to the car.

"Rebecca it's a special day, what do you want to do?" He asked me.

"Special day?" I asked

"YOUR BIRTHDAY!" He clapped

"Oh I didn't think you knew!" I smiled at his memory.

"It's my girlfriend's birthday.. Why else would I have taken you out and brought you to the mall and stuff" he laughed

"I don't know... Maybe you just did" I laughed not knowing how to answer.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" He asked

"Sleep.. And eat popcorn, and watch a movie" I said

"Wow your boring" he whined as we got in to the camar and drive off.

"Well, we have a fun night in store so make sure you get your cammy jammy's on!" I laughed

"Cammy jammy's?" He said like I was a weirdo.

I guess I am though so really who cares..

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