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The big doors opened revealing a huge crowd of at least 150 people. Cameron's arm slid around mine as we walked down the aisle.

As we got the the altar we parted ways me standing beside little Skylynn, and Jasmines sister Ava, and Cameron going beside Nash, Hayes, and Will.

The doors opened again as Jasmine began to walk with her dad down the aisle in a beautiful ivory gown.

I glanced over at Nash and saw his eyes getting watery. I smiled knowing that my best friend was about to begin a whole new chapter in her life.

As she came to the front she kissed her dads cheeks and grabbed Nash's hand.


"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride" The priest said and Nash smile widely cupping Jaz's face and kissing her.

Everyone stood up and clapped. Then we began to walk one by one after Nash and Jasmine.

After we walked out I ran as fast as I could over to Jasmine and gave her the biggest hug.

"Congratulations!" I squealed and she giggled in excitement.

"Rebecca I'm like, married" she said looking at the rings on her finger.

"I know" I smiled giving her one last hug before Nash came and snatched her away as they walked in to their little private limo.

As I watched them two drive off I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and Cameron smiled while pecking me on the lips.

"Can't even believe they're married" He said latching our fingers and walking to the car.

"I know, me neither" I smiled getting in to the passenger seat.

"They look so perfect" I added.

"Oh yes, so totally perf" Cameron said flipping his hand around.

"Are you mocking me?" I sasses with a grin

"Nah" he smiled grabbing my left hand in his right as we drove to the hall.


The night was coming to an end, but for us four it seemed as if it was only beginning. Between pictures and eating the party had just began for us.

Cameron and I were dancing when I began to get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I began to feel really hot and it was like the world was spinning.

"Bec, you don't look so good" he said taking me off to the side.

"All of a sudden I feel really, well it's unexplainable." I said wiping my forehead.

"Let's go take a breather outside" he said taking my hand and leading me to the front doors.

We walked out and a wave of cool air hit my skin.

I took a deep breath.

"Shoot, let me go get my phone. It's probably a good time to call and check on the kids" he said running back inside quickly.

I was standing their looking out to the beautiful stars.

"So we meet again" a familiar voice stood behind me, with an uncomfortable presence.

I turned around and jumped back.

"Nice to see you" he said.

"I-Ian" I swallowed hard.

"I told you I wasn't finished" he took a step closer pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me" I stepped backwards.

"Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca, you thought it was that easy to get rid of me? Guess again princess. I'm back"

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