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We heard from really close by.

"What was that?" Rebecca said sitting up.

"Nothing, it's fine.." I said, and I walked out of the room, as Rebecca followed me downstairs.

There was a dead cat laying in the middle of the foyer and the front door was wide open.

There was a slip of paper, and it read "I'm not scared to kill this, my friend, so watch out."

"Rebecca you need to leave" I said to her.

"What?" She asked

"I'm breaking up with you" I said.

"Cameron.." She said getting teary eyed.

"I'm doing this because I love you" I said hugging her,
"I don't want you to get hurt" I said kissing her on the forehead.

We packed her bags really fast, and I walked her to the front door.

"I guess this is it" she said

"I want you to move on"i said to her.

"But Cameron-"she started.

"You have to, I love you" I said kissing her one last time before she left.

"Wait!" I yelled running after her.

She turned around, with a tear on her cheek.

"Bye my little llama" I smiled giving her one last hug.

I watched her walk off. The one I want to be with, the one I love.

"We make such a cute couple!" Stephanie said coming up from behind me hugging me.

"Yea.." I said regretfully I almost choked on my words.


As I walked down the street not knowing where to go I thought of all the great times Cameron and I had.

"Rebecca?" I turned and saw him.

"Scott?" I asked squinting my eyes.

Scott was my friend in the first couple grades of elementary school. He was also my first kiss when we were like 4, it most definitely meant nothing.

He moved to Canada that year and I haven't seen him since.

"What are you doing with all these bags?" He asked me.

"Oh, umm well I'm going to a hotel.." I said

"Why would you be going to a hotel if your house is right there?" He giggled

"I lived with my boyfriend, things ended, my dad kicked me out.. I'm homeless.." I said, I haven't thought of it that way but it was the truth, I had nothing..

"Well do you want to stay with me? We live literally at that house." He asked

"Scott I can't do that to you, I will be fine at the hotel" I said

"Trust me it's fine! Plus my mum would love to see you!" He insisted.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Positive" he smile and grabbed my bags, leaving me with just one.

"What were you doing out here anyways?" I asked.

"Oh, takin out the garbage" he giggled.

We walked over to the house, be opened the door.

"Put your bags down over here" he whispered to me.

I put them down, and slowly followed him.

"Mom guess who is in this house right now?" He said signalling for me to wait outside the doorway to the kitchen.

"Who?" She asked curiously.

He signalled for me to come in.

"Who's that?" She asked in confusion.

"This is Rebecca Jones from elementary school!" He said making me smile.

"Oh, Rebecca! I'm so sorry, you look great!" She said running up and hugging me.

"Mom, Rebecca needs a place to stay for a while can she stay here in the guest room?" He asked his mom.

"Yea! No problem, make yourself at home sweety!" She gleefully said.

I thanked her and Scott brought me up to the spare room.

"So who were you dating?" He asked me as I began unpacking my things.

"Cameron Dallas.." I said trying to fight back the tears.

"Really? Why did he break up with you? He doesn't seem to be a bad guy." He asked me.

"Umm, if I tell you you can't tell anyone, just promise you wont" I said sitting beside him.

"Pinky promise" he said.

I explained him the whole situation.

"Wow, so you still love him?" He asked me.

"I will never stop" I said as a tear dropped down my face.

He pulled me in to a hug.

He pulled away slightly, gazing in to each others eyes we were centimetres apart, before I knew it our lips connected.

This is wrong, I still love Cameron. But he said to move on. No,I can't.

He pulled away, "I'm sorry, it was kinda in the moment.. Like a friendly kiss, friends kiss all the time." He tried shaking it off, but it still happened.

"Yea.. I think" I said

"I'm gonna go if you need me, my room is right across the hall" he said getting up and leaving.

I looked down, and notice something weird.

Cameron had slipped a framed picture of him and I together.

I smiled and put it on the nightstand.

I fell back in my bed. "What has my life come to?" I think as small tears drop down my cheeks.

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