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Sarah and I sat at a table at the corner of Starbucks, and just talked.

We have been sitting here for quite a while, just talking about everything.

It turns out that we have a lot more in common then we thought.

We were caught off guard, when Shawn came in an sat beside us and started playing
"All of Me" by John Legend on his guitar.
Mahogany walked in, and sat with us.
Then Jack G walked in and gave Sarah a rose, followed by Jack J, Matt, Carter, Nash, Hayes, Aaron, and all of the other guys.

Everyone in the Starbucks looked around in complete confusion, including Sarah and I.

Cameron walked in and waved in a "come here" motion.

I went and stood beside him leaving Sarah at the table.

"What is this?" I whispered in his ear.

"Watch" he smile pulling me in to his side.

Then Sammy walked in wearing a suit, and handed her a white rose.

I looked at her and she looked back at me, she smiled.

Sarah was standing at this point.

Sammy walked up to her and handed her a white rose.

"Sarah, ever since the first time I met you, four years ago, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
You make me happy when I'm having a bad day, just a smile from you can mend anyone's sadness. People throw around the words 'I love you' way to easily, but I can say every time I said it I meant it."

He got down son one knee, and held her hand with the other getting out a ring.

"So Sarah Marie Jansen, would you give me the pleasure to call you my wife, will you marry me?" He said and I could see the tears developing in her eyes.

"Yes" she smiled. They kissed and everyone in the shoppe started clapping and whistling.

"Cam did you know about this?" I asked him.

"Yea" he smiled.

Sarah came running up to me with the biggest smile on her face.

"OH MY GOSH!" I squealed looking at the ring.

"I gotta go, I need to call my mom and my sister and-" she said getting all excited

"Okay go!" I laughed

She gave us hugs and left.

"Wow there are so many things happening" I laughed to Cameron

"I know.. Crazy! First Nash, and Mahogany and prom and dating, now Sammy and Sarah.." He said.

We drove back home.

We walked in the door and were stunned when we saw Sierra's boyfriend, Chris down on one knee.

"What the heck" I whispered to Cameron.

Again? How can so many people get engaged in one day?

"I think today is just a good day." Cameron said in my ear.

"Aww" I cooed.

"Don't get your hopes up.. I haven't planned anything special for you.." He laughed

I made a fake pouty face.

"I can give you cuddlies and kissies" he said grabbing my cheek and placing a kiss.

Me and cameron laughed at each other.

"Yes!" Sierra yelled getting our attention.

Basically the same stuff happened with Sammy and Sarah, but Sierra went over to Chris' house.


"Cam.. I don't wanna walk upstairs.." Rebecca whined

"Well then how are you going to get your stuff for school and sleep?" I asked her

"You could give me a piggy back ride.." She carried on

"Or... I could.." I said picking her up and throwing her on my shoulder running up the stairs.

"Why. What gives you the satisfaction of doing this to me" Rebecca laughed

"Don't judge me" I said in a girly voice.

I opened up my door and slowly put Rebecca on the bed.

"I wuv you" I said in a baby voice kissing Rebecca.

She laughed and kissed me back.

"Okay, I need to ask you a serious question.." I said sitting beside her.

"What is it now?" Rebecca huffed.

"What lip balm to you use,'cause girl, your lips are soft like llama fur." I said in a valley girl voice snapping my fingers.

"As a matter of fact, I use EOS" she laughed

"So Rebecca, who are you asking to PROM?" I asked her knowing that she desperately has been waiting for a "promposal".

I giggled a little bit at the face she made when I said that.

"Cameron it's not funnyyy" she said digging her face in to my chest and wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm sure someone will come around.." I told her.

"Your so meann" she whined.

"Well I was thinking maybe I would ask Sierra to come with me, I mean I don't know who else I would ask so she seems like my only option" I said laughing harder.

"Rude.." She said pulling away from the hug and getting her school bag.

She started putting all of her books in her bag and she was getting some paper for binders I guess.

"Rebeccaaa" I said wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"I haven't even touched my bag since the last day of school.. Your done, can't we just cuddle and watch TV or something?" I said digging my face in to her neck.

She looked at me.

"Fine, but only because you are a good cuddler" she said kicking off her shoes and sinking in to the covers of the bed.

I got in and cozied up beside her, we watched marathons of spongebob, of-coarse.

As soon as I knew it were were fast asleep.


We woke up to the sound of the alarm going of at 6:30am.

"C'mon Cam" groggy Rebecca said.

"I'm up" I said waving my arm.

I got up and slipped on a pair of beige kakis and a black t-shirt.

I fixed my hair, and walked out of the bathroom and Rebecca was done getting ready but she was on her phone.

"Ready?" She asked

"Mhm" I hummed

We quickly ate some cereal, and made out way to school.

School part 2 begins. Whoopee.

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