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I looked inside the window of the kitchen from the deck and smiled at Rebecca she smiled and waved back.

"Listen, Cameron you make my daughter happy. That's great. But now that you two are living together we gotta set some ground rules." Her dad said.

"Sir, I would never force her to do anything" I said as he flipped a steak.

"I respect that. But she will always be my daughter and just because you are marrying her it doesn't mean you can just expect it to happen. I trust that you won't do anything so don't blow it" he said.

I gulped, "no worries" I said thinking about the conversation Rebecca and I had the night before.

He put the food in a dish and we went inside to start eating.

Awkward conversation. I decided to call Shawn, see how he's doing, tell him a bout the wedding.

Turns out he is single now, ready to mingle.. And he is a go for the wedding. Can't wait to surprise Rebecca.


My mom and I talked and Cameron was kind of silent.

His phone went off, he apologized and shut it off.

About a minute later it ran again...and again...and again.

"Sorry it's my mom. Excuse me" he said swallowing his food and getting up. He tucked in his chair and walking in to the living room.

"Honey where is Cameron?" My mom asked.

"I have no clue but I'll go find him." Said getting up and going in to the living room.

He was sitting down with his head between his legs and his hands on his forehead with his elbows on his knees.

"Cam what's wrong?" I asked sitting beside him.

He looked up at me with glossy eyes and he hugged me.

"Cameron" I said hugging him back.

"My grandma, she is in critical condition. She had a heart attack" he tried to keep in his tears.

"What? Cam I'm so sorry. Let's go to the hospital come on" I said getting up and holding my hands out.

"We can't just leave your parents spent so long on this meal" he whispered.

"Yes we can" I said and he grabbed my hands nabs we walked back to the kitchens

"Mom I'm sorry but we need to go, Cams grandma is in the hospital" I said putting dish and Cameron's away quickly.

"Is she alright?" She asked Cameron

"Doesn't sound like it, she had a bad heart attack" he replied.

"Okay go, keep us up to date okay?" She said.

"Okay I will, bye mom" I said and I kissed her and my dad goodbye.

Cameron said bye to my parents and we left.

I swear Cameron has never driven so fast in my life to the hospital.

I just hope everything will turn out okay..

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