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I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

"Shawn!" I squealed and I hugged him.

I felt his muscles flexing as he squeezed me. Damn shawn..

"Hey Becs!" He smiled

"Here let me help you with your bags! CAMERON!"

I called and Cameron snuck up behind me.

"Shawn, how are you" he said giving him that bro hug hand shake thing.

"I'm good!" He said

"Okay let's go get your bags" Cameron said to Shawn, and they walked out of the house.

I went to my room and sat on my bed.

I began to think about my life.
It has changed so drastically in the last month.

First all those issues with Ian and Stephanie, now Ian's back, me and Cam are on again, going strong, Sarah, new house, and going on tour? It's like my life is bipolar.

One minute I'm having a blast, next I'm crying my brains out.

I could hear myself begin to sob quietly to myself.

I brought my legs up to my chest and snuggled my face in my knees.

"Rebecca?" A small voice said.

I looked up and saw shawn between the crack of the door.

I wiped my tears.

"Yea, what's up" I said trying to change my voice from a raspy crying voice to a calm and collected one.

"Are you okay?" He asked opening the door a bit more.

"Yea, what did you need?" I asked him trying to avoid the question.

"Nothing I heard you crying" he said leaning against the door.

"Oh" is all I said because I could feel the embarrassment in my stomach.

"Everything alright?" He asked

"Yea, just a lot on my mind" I added.

"You sure you don't want to talk?" He asked me, I noticed a sparkle in his eye, a caring and kind eye, like Cameron.

"Yea, thanks Shawn" I said sending him a small smile.

"Well, if you need anything or to talk I'm always here" he said and with that he walked out.

I put on a pair of light wash jeans, and a t-shirt and I slipped on some little flip-flops.

I walked downstairs and stopped when I smelt the most amazing aroma of different foods.

I continued down the stairs and in to the kitchen when I found Cameron and Shawn both wearing aprons and making food.

"What are you guys doing" I giggled at how ridiculous they looked.

"We are making dinner! Right Shawny baby?" Cameron said in an old lady voice.

"I don't know how you put up with that" Shawn giggled at Cameron's creepy remark.

"I don't know how you agreed to live here with me and that" I replied.

"Excuse me" Cameron said in a sassy tone throwing his hand over his heart.

"Oh you're such a baby" I giggled hugging Cameron.

"Oh I will get you guys back, just wait" Cameron smirked.

"When you least expect it, I'm gonna give you a nice surprise. I'm gonna kick you where it hurts!" He said, he had this creep devilish look on his face.

"Why me Cammy" I said in a baby voice sticking out my bottom lip.

"You are ugly" he sassed.

"Well then" I sassed waving my arm.

"Girl your a beaut, don't listen to him Hun" shawn laughed.

"Yea this is just creepy" I said slowly backing away out of the kitchen.

How the heck did I get stuck with these two wackos?

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