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My alarm woke me up. I rolled over to look at the clock and saw that it was 6:30.

I sat up rubbing my eyes and slowly made my way out of bed and in to Cameron's room.

I crept through the dark hall when I bumped in to a dark figure and fell back.

"Oh shit" the person said, and turned on a little light.

I looked up and Shawn was holding his phone flash-light over my head.

I got up and giggled, and I kept on to Cameron's room.

"Good morning to you too sassy pants" Shawn said snapping his fingers, which echoed through the whole hall.

"Good morning fart face" I laughed.

I opened Cameron's door and ran in to his room and jumped on his bed.

"Wake up!" I yelled kissing his cheek.

"Really" he giggled stretching his arms out.

"Morning" I grinned.

"Goodnight" he said pulling my torso in to his side.

"Cameron c'mon we have to catch the flight to Toronto at 8:00" I whined.

"Oh yea I forgot" he laughed and got out of bed.

"Is shawn up?" He asked walking to his bathroom, running his hand through his hair.

"Yea" I said.

I went to get dressed.

I put on my light blue crop top and some lights wash high-waisted shorts.

I put on a grey knit cardigan and slipped on my galaxy vans.

I got my purse and sunglasses, along with my duffel bag and brought it to the front door.

By the time I got to the kitchen to eat, the guys were almost done.

"I made you a bowl of cereal" Cameron said handing me a bowl of lucky charms.

"Oh so romantic" I said making Shawn giggle.

"Really your on her side dude! What happened to the bro code?" Cameron whined

"Your such a baby" I said as I took a bite of my cereal.

I finished and we brought all of the bags to Cameron's car and drove to the airport.

We parked the car and made our way to customs.

We handed the guys out boarding passes and went to our section and waited for everyone else.

Cameron and I sat down and we watched some TV on Cam's computer.

Shawn went to go get a magazine and some gum.

About five minutes later Nash, Jasmine, Sammy, Matt, Aaron Taylor and the Jacks came walking over to us.

"Jas!" I squealed running up to her and hugging her.

"Hey!" She laughed.

"Thank gosh I'm not the only girl! I was scared you weren't going to come." she added

"Ditto" I giggled.

I hugged all of the other guys. It was like an assembly line.

Then just as I went to hug the last person, Taylor and Shawn ran to the end of the line and held his hands out.

"Yea no thanks coodie kid" I flipped my hair stupidly as the PA system when off."

"Flight 287 to Toronto now boarding" a lady said

"That's us!" I squealed getting my purse from Cameron and we walked to the desk and got our seats on the plane.

On the plane, I sat beside Cameron while everyone else sat in groups of 3, so that meant I was beside some random.

"Do you want the window seat?" Cameron asked me before he sat down.

"No I like making new friends" I smiled.

Then up ahead I noticed a little girl walking our way. She had to have been at least 6.

"Is this seat 6d?" She asked with her little voice.

"Yup" I smiled, "Are you here alone?" I asked her, I felt kind of bad.

"My gran is up there" she pointed.

"Okay, here" I said picking her up and placing her in the seat and buckling her up.

She looks so cute and nervous.

"So what's your name?" I asked her as we started going up.

"Kylie" she smiled. "What's your name?" She asked.

"My names Rebecca, and this is Cameron" I said pointing to him.

"Is he your brother?" She asked slightly tilting her head.

"No, he is my boyfriend" I giggled

"Ew" she snickered.

This little girl has some sass. Reminds me of, me.


I helped Kylie out of her seat, she hugged me and ran off to her grandma.

She was so cute, telling me how she loves penguins and drawing and all of those little things.

We got off the plane and made our way to the bus.

We drove to the hotel, the nerves began to build.

I began to see crowds and swarms of girls around the hotel.

"How do they know where we are staying?" I asked Cameron.

"They know everything, it's scary" Cameron whispered.

As we got closer and closer to the hotel, girls began to notice us and chase the car. They were like little dogs. Just chasing and chasing.

If they are like this now, imagine at the tour..

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