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"Oh my gosh! Cameron and Rebecca!" I heard someone yell from the lobby.

I turned around and a huge crowd of girls was running closer to us.

We ran to the pool room and locked the door behind us.

"Well that was crazy" I sighed as girls banged on the doors.

"Hey guys!" Aaron came to greet us.

I put my bag down on the chair.

I took off my shorts and top, and hung them on the back of the chair.

I sat down and plugged in my head phones.

Stranger by Jay Hayden & kingvodka came on.

I shut my eyes and tapped my finger to the beat of the song.

I could feel the eyes of teenage boys, burning through my skin.

I looked over at Cameron.

"I told you" he mouthed.

I decided to put my chair back.

I shut my eyes while my music continued to play on shuffle.

I was about to doze of hen I heard a voice call out, "Bee watch out!"
Must be Cameron.

My eyes opened and I took off my headphones.

I felt four arms underneath me, and before I knew it, I was being held by Jack G, and Taylor.

"Guys put me down!" I whined, as I was trying to squirm out of their grasp.

Before I could say another word, I was thrown into the air and I landed in the cold water of the pool.

I felt another pair of hands gripping my legs and back from under the water.

The toned arms pulled me up and sat me on the edge of the pool.

"You okay?" Cameron asked me pushing a strand of my hair behind my right ear.

I nodded yes, just in shock of his touch on my skin.

His hands rested on my legs, with his right, his thumb went in a circular motion near my knee.

His touch was so soothing and calming, yet it made shocks of electricity travel all over my body.

"I want to take you out tonight for dinner okay?" He smiled while his hand made its way to my cheek.

"Okay" I smiled.

He placed his hands on my sides and came closer to me to the point where he was between my legs, and he kissed me.

It wasn't a deep kiss, but I could feel the smiles from Cameron.

"Get a room" Carter cooed, causing me to giggle.

I jumped on Cameron's back and he walked around in the pool.

"Guys where did Shawn go?" Jack J asked.

I looked around, he was gone.

"He was just here a minute ago" Aaron said

"I guess I will go find him" Cameron said putting me down.

"Cam I'll go" I said walking in front of him.

"Rebecca no it-" I interrupted him.

"Trust me" I pecked him on the lips before jumping out of the pool.

I put on my baggy top and flip flops and walked out.


Rebecca went out to go see where Shawn was which made me feel upset.

The door opened and Jasmine walked in.

Nash greeted he with a kiss and they came in the water.

"Guys" I said

"Do you think Rebecca has a thing for Shawn?" I asked.

"Wha- let me interject here" Jasmine said.

"I'm pretty sure I would know if Rebecca had a thing for Shawn. But honestly Cam. Who wouldn't he sings, he is hot, and don't even get me started with those abs of his" she giggled.

"Um" Nash sassed

"Oh Nash, you need to work on that" she laughed while tapping his lower chest.

"No but Cam, are you really getting worked up about this?" Jack J asked.

"Yea dude, she isn't the same with me then she is with him" I sighed.

"That's because she treats him like a friend and you like a boyfriend" Jasmine pointed out.

"That is the smartest thing I have heard you say" Nash said

"Thanks.." She laughed.

Jasmine got out of the pool, and sat on the chair.

"Hey you alright? You don't look so good?" Nash asked her.

"No" she said.

"I have a headache" she added.

"Ohh women problems" Taylor kidded.

"I'm going back up" she said and she grabbed her bags, so did Nash.

"Nash stay here with your friends, don't let me ruin the party" she said kissing him before she left.

I went up to the front desk.

"How may I help you ma'am?" The elderly woman asked me.

"I'm looking for a tall guy, brown hair, most likely wearing a bathing suit?" I told her.

"Oh, yes! He came by about 5 minutes ago, he went out to the main balcony!" She pointed to the door, that read 'main balcony' on it.

"Thank-you" I said
Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me.

"No problem sweetie" she smiled and I walked over to the door.

I opened it and looked around.

I saw him, sitting in the corner with his hands on the railing looking out at the sunset.

I grabbed a chair and sat beside him.

"Cameron go away" he stated.

"It's not Cameron" I said and he looked up.

"Oh, sorry." He said noticing me.

"We need to talk" I said to him.

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