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"Cameron" I jumped up.

"What's wrong?" he asked sitting up.

"Cassidy. Yesterday." I said.

"Shit" he said under his breath.

"I gotta text her, she is coming over today" I stood up and started rummaging through my drawers.

Cameron huffed. "Now I actually have to get dresses up, or... Down" he smiled at me creepily while exposing his shoulder.


"NO IM NOT" he said in a minion voice or whatever it was..

"I don't even want to know what the hell is going on in your head." I shook my head and walked in to the bathroom.

I slipped on my black leggings with a white crop top and my green and black flannel shirt.

I walked out and Cameron was sitting on the bed with his right arm holding up his head and his left leg was high in the sky.

"What are you doing?" I laughed putting my pyjamas away.

"Waiting for you" he deepened his voice.

"I honestly have no idea what is wrong with me. You are so retarded it's not even funny" I turned around and he was right there.

"HOLY SHIT CAMERON" I held my heart over my chest.

"When are we gonna have some time alone?" He whined and kissed my neck once, and hugged me.

"Why are you so touchy feely now? It's weird.." I giggled.

I kissed him once, and then walked out.

"Wait bec" he called after me.
I shot around.

"About that alone time?" He scratched the back of his head.

I glanced at his bare chizzled chest.
"Soon." I smiled and walked out.

I texted Cassidy and explained everything to her, and said she could come over.

She answered back not long after, and she should be here soon.

Cameron walked downstairs wearing beige shorts and a muscle tank.

There was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" I jumped up and ran to the door.

I opened it and there stood a shy Cassidy.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hi" I pulled her in to a hug.

"Come in" I said, she walked in and took off her shoes.

"Nice place" she looked around but her eyes landed on one particular person. Shawn.

He glanced over and there eyes were locked.

"Cassidy?" I giggled.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah?" She giggled.

"This is Cameron obviously, and Shawn. He is staying with us for a bit" I smiled, and she sat down on the double couch while I sat with Cameron and Shawn went to sit beside her.

"Yeah, I love your music" she blushed at Shawn, and he seemed to be happy about that.

"Rebecca can I talk to you outside, like now?" Cameron looked at me.

"Um, yeah" i said.

"Be right back" I smiled and Cassidy nodded back.

Cameron and I walked out the balcony.

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