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I put on my cap and sunglasses before going in to the diner.

I took Rebecca's hand and we walked in.

"Hello table for 2 please" Rebecca said.

"Are you Cameron Dallas?" The girls eyes widened.

"Um-uh yea, can we please sit in a booth at the back that is more hidden?" I asked.

"Y-yeah of coarse." She got all shaky and led us to a booth in the back corner.

"Here are your menus" the girl placed them on the table.

"My name is Cassidy, if you need anything just let me know" she smiled and walked off.

"Cameron you can take off the disguise now" Rebecca giggled.

"Right" I laughed and I took off my hat and glasses.


"What are you getting?" He asked me.

"I want the pancakes and home fries combo, how about you?" I said looking up and shutting my menu.

"I'll get that too" he smiled.

"Your hair is a mess" I shook my head.

He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Better?" He asked.

"Worse actually" I laughed

"Fix it" he whined. I slid over and fixed what he called his 'quiff'.

I guess my face was close to his because he began placing millions of little kisses on my cheek.

"Excuse me" the waitress giggled.

"Sorry" I blushed and scooted over a bit but was aggressively pulled back.

"Alrighty then" I shook my head.

"We're both going to have the pancakes and homefries" Cameron smiled.

"Great! And drinks?" She asked.

"Coffee please" I said.

"I'll have a chocolate milk" Cameron added.

"Great! Your meal should take about 10 minutes." She smiled but before she walked away I stopped her.

"Uhm sorry, I just wanted to say you have the nicest hair colour" I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Thank-you so much" She smiled big and went back on her way.

"That was nice of you" Cameron turned to me.

"What I liked her hair" I crossed my arms.

"She is really nice" I added.

"She is" He said slowly.

"So Rebecca, what do you want to do when we get home?" He winked at me.

"You're such a creeper I swear" I pushed him away.

"You have such a dirty mind!" I giggled

"Let's make a fort!" I said getting excited.

"Not happenin' hunny" Cameron snapped his fingers.

"The sass is real" My eyes widened.

"Oh yes it is girlfriend" He pursed his lips.

"Im just going to pretend that, that did not happen." I laughed.

"5 bucks thats our food coming" Cameron looked over his seat.

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