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I'm walking to throw out my garbage and see a familiar head of hair.

Holy shit.

"Rebecca?" I began to breath heavily and I felt tears in the brim of my eyes.

She turned around to see who called her.

"Oh my God" she dropped her coffee and her hand flew over her mouth.

We both ran towards each other.

Once we reached each other I picked her up and swung her around while hugging her.

"What are you doing here" she could barely say.

"I came to get you" I smiled.

"I was coming to get you" she smiled.

"Oh my god" she shook her head and covered her eyes.

I pulled her in to my chest wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"What about you and Shawn" I asked lowly.

"It was nothing we agreed that we are friends nothing more, nothing less."

"Just promise me you'll never leave again. I was so crazy I can't stand even the thought of us not even speaking at least like 50 times a day" I smiled


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