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|3 weeks later|


I woke up sprawled across the bed.

I'm most definitely am not going to lie. I miss Cameron like hell, and I hate not waking up beside him, his good-morning kisses, and just him. But he hurt me in a way that nothing could heal that except him.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I shuffled around to get a tissue. I walked out in to the hall and I got knocked over.

"Woah sorry" I look up at Shawn.
"This happens too often" He giggled while helping me up.

"You've been crying" his mood declined.

"Shawn I don't know what to do." I sat down on the top step of his stairs.

"Rebecca I told you how I felt about you and I still feel that way. But if I may be honest. You and Cam were meant for each other.  Yes he has done some stupid shit, but he is a person, makes mistakes." Shawn said

"Big mistakes" I choked.

"If I were you, I would find him. Work things out. I don't know what happened on that phone the other night, but he clearly makes an impact on you so why not make it positive. Call him." Shawn blurted.

I smiled and embraced Shawn in a hug. "Now go call him before I change my mind and keep you hostage in my house" he giggled.

I guess he was right. I got up and went to get my phone.

It was blown up with tweets from Cam. I forgot I had his notifications on.

I miss you in my arms.


I wasn't there when you needed me most and now I lost you.

Forever is a long time but Love is everlasting.

The tweets brought me to the realization that I put so much pressure on it being his fault for everything.

I grabbed my phone and dials Cameron's number.

In a matter of five seconds he answered.

"Yea. Cam I'm sorry"
"No you should not apologize I will never apologize enough for what I put you through. I miss hugging you, kissing you, waking up next to you. I miss you."
"I-i miss you too"
"Rebecca plea- what? you do?"
"I'm coming home"
"I-i will be at the airport waiting. I love you."
"I-I-I love you too. See-you"

I shut off my phone and sat in the window cill.
"How did it go?" Shawn asked me.

"Good I think. Thank-you Shawn" I hugged him.

"Anytime" he said.

"So does this mean you're leaving now?" He asked.

"I guess so. I'm sorry. Thank-you for everything" I smiled.

"You better get packing" he laughed.

I hugged him and got my suitcase out. I began packing all of my clothes again.


I got out of the taxi, Shawn following behind me.

"I guess this is it" I said.

He nodded his head.

"I will see you soon, promise" I hugged him.

I got my luggage and began walking to my gate.

I looked back, Shawn looked like a puppy that just got his bone taken away.

I waved and began walking.

I looked back once more before handing my ticket to the officer.

He was gone.

"Goodbyes are hard" the officer smiled.

"Tell me about it" I replied.

I went to the gate and luckily had about 30 minutes to my flight.


"Excuse me miss" the flight attendant tapped my shoulder.

"We have landed" she giggled. I looked around and the plane was empty.

"I'm so sorry" I giggled, I grabbed my things and got off the plane.

After getting my luggage I walked outside.

I looked around. Didn't see Cam anywhere. Great he already blew me off.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I was lifted up and twirled around.

As soon as I felt the arms I knew exactly who it was. Cam.

I turned around an smiled. He pulled me in to the biggest hug.

"Hi" I smiled and he kissed me.

'Awhs' came from all around.

Of-coarse I'm still not 100% okay with what he did. But that doesn't mean I don't still have feelings for him.

I giggled and pulled away. "I will never hurt you. Ever again." He said taking my hand in his.

We walked to his car but were stopped.

"You guys are so cute" an older woman said to us.

I smiled and rested my head on Cameron's shoulder and we kept going.

We got in to the car and began driving to Cameron's house.

"So what have I missed around here?" I asked.

"Well I moved back home and I sold the house." He said.

"I'm sorry" I felt my head drop.

"It is not your fault, I'm just not ready to live on my own." He added.

"Oh and I stopped drinking. Sober for 3 weeks" he kept his gaze on the road but glanced at me.

"That's good" I said and smiled at my lap.

"I really did miss you a lot" he said while pulling in to the driveway.

I stepped out and opened the trunk. I went to grab my luggage but Cameron came and took it from me. "Thanks" I smiled and continued walking to the door.

"Just walk in" he said following behind me.

"Mom I'm home" Cameron shouted.

"She was sad when you left, she won't be anymore" he smiled. He put my luggage by the front door.

"Come upstairs" cameron said.

We walked up to his room. "You re-decorated?" I laughed him referring to his clean room.

"Yea, you know when a special girl is living with you it calls for a special clean up" he smiled.

"Cameron hunny why is there a suitcase out here?" His mom shouted from downstairs.

"Cameron why didn't you tell her I was coming?" I whispered to him.

"Just let it be our little secret for a little while" he moved closer to me and pressed his lips against mine.

"Cameron?" His mom called again.

"Yea yea! I just. It's. Um- I bought a new luggage." He said.

"It's pink.." His mom trailed off.

I burst out in laughter. "shut-up your so mean" he pushed me over.

Then there was a knock at Cams bedroom door.

"Closet" his eyes widened as he shuved me in to his closet and shut the door.

"Here hunny, and if you ever need to talk about your sexuality, I'm always here.." She said quietly.

"MOM. OUT. NOW" He shouted.

I started laughing but quickly covered my mouth.

"Cameron, what was that?" I heard footsteps closer to the door. Shit.

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