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|6 months•later|


"Cam what time are you and Nash going out?" Rebecca asked me.

"About 20 minutes" I said.

"Okay, me and Jas are going to Starbucks then" she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Well then Ms. Sassy pants" I snapped my fingers.

She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"What was that for" I giggled while moving my hands up and down her arms.

"I don't know, just feel like we gotta be more affectionate" she shrugged her shoulders.

"More affectionate?" I laughed.
"Yea" it was like she was stating the obvious.

"Oh I can show you a affectionate" I stepped closer to her.

"Oh no" she Rebecca took a step away from me.

"CAMERON STOP" she ran away and I ran after her.

I managed to catch up to her and I grabbed her by the waist.

"Stop" she squirmed out of my arms.

"Hey you wanted more affection, and I'm glad to give it" I said dropping her on the couch.

"Your so mean" she stuck her tongue out again.

"You need to keep that tongue in your mouth missy... Or mine" I smirked.

"Thats so weird!" She laughed.

"Don't lie. You want me." I tried laying down beside her on the couch which was pretty hard so I wrapped my arms around her.

"I dont" she looked away.

I kissed her neck.

"Now?" I'm asked,

"Nope" she stated.

I kissed her on her lips.

"How about now?" I asked.

"Not really" she looked like it was nothing.

I kissed her again, a little deeper.

"Now you want me" I said.

"N-no" she said with a shaky voice.
I sat up and hovered over her. I looked her right in the eyes and kissed her.

"Now" I said.

"No. Maybe. Yea." Her eyes wondered.

"Well then mission accomplished" I kissed her one more time and the door bell rang.

"No! You can't just leave me in this state of shock!" She whined as I got off of her.

"Hey you kept saying no" I kissed her one more time before leaving.

"Love you" she said as I walked out.

"Hey dude. Ready for the big day?" Nash asked me.

"I'm so nervous dude. I just want to call her my wife.." I sighed whispered as I heard Rebecca walk up the stairs.

"I know how it feels" Nash laughed.


We got out of the car and walked in to the jewellery store.

"Hi! How may I help you two young men?" An older man asked us.

"I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend" I smiled.

"Oh that special time huh? Well come over here to see our selection." He brought us to a case full of rings.

"What are you looking for?" He asked.

"Something square shaped, she likes that. Lots of diamonds, she loves that" I laughed.

"Alright, here are a few. How about this one?" He held up a ring that was square but was half gold and half silver.

"Not sure I like that- wait. That one. That's the one" I said pointing to a rounded edge square ring, that was covered with diamonds. It was perfect.

"This one is a very uncommon one, we only have this one in the store. Only one size." He said.

"Size 6?" I asked nervously.

He took out the tag, and had to take a breath. "It's a 6" he smiled.

"Nash? What do you think?" I asked him.

"It's perfect." He agreed.

"I will take it" I smiled and he led us to the cash.

"The ring is a one of a kind, it's one of the most wanted rings in the Tiffany section. We just haven't found anyone who is a size 6, until now" he smiled.

"Wow" Nash nudged me.

"Okay, that will be $14,000" he smiled.

"Sorry what?" I said taking out my credit card. I must have not hear the price correct.

"$14,000" he repeated. I heard correctly.

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"No." I swiped my credit card.

"The stuff you do for that girl." Nash shook his head.

I smiled. This is it. It's happening.

I'm finally going to marry the girl of my dreams. It's too good to be true.

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