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I woke up the next morning, to my phone going off.

I got up out of my seat to see that Rebecca had texted me.

Bee💛- hey cam, I'm getting breakfast downstairs if you wanna come

Me- I will be right down:)

I wrote a little note and left it on the side table for Sammy.

I stepped in to the elevator, and made my way to the cafeteria.

I saw Rebecca in line for Starbucks so I went up to her.

"Morning" I smiled pulling her in to a hug.

"So Sarah came out of surgery, I stayed with her last night" she said.

"How is she doing?" I asked her.

"Well they didn't tell me anything, they just told me that she wanted to see me" she explained.

I nodded, and we had reached the front of the line.

"Hi, can I get a tall pumpkin spice latte, and a chocolate chip muffin? Yea and I will get just a tall coffee with milk only, and one of the fruit cups" we ordered, and payed.

We got our things and made our way back up to the rooms.

First we went to Sammy's.

We walked in and Sammy was standing and talking to one of the doctors with a blue cast on his right arm.

"Hey" Rebecca smiled.

"So, he is free to go home now" the doctor said to Rebecca and I.

And with that he walked out.

"Do you want to see Sarah?" Rebecca asked Sammy.

"Yes" he said

"Um, wait let me just go see if she is awake first, I will be back." She said and she walked out.


I walked out and went to Sarah's room.

She was sitting up in her bed and watching 'Boy Meets World'.

"Of-coarse you're watching this" I giggled

"Hey" she smiled

"How are you feeling?" I asked her

"My head kills.. Actually my whole body kills" she sighed.

"Sammy wants to see you" I smiled.

"Okay" she smiled, and I began to walk out.

"Wait!" She managed to say raising her voice.

"Yea?" I turned.

"Do I look okay?" She said while running her hands through her long blonde curls.

"Beautiful" I smiled, and I went to get the boys.

"Guys, come" I said peeking my head in to the room, and they followed me to Sarah's room.

"Sarah" Sammy said running up to her and kissing her.

His left hand swept over her cheek, and his thumb moved up and down her forehead.

He began to look around at the machines.

"I'm so sorry this happened. It's my fault." he said kneeling down.

"Sammy, don't say that. It was not your fault" Cameron said to him.

"G-guys can me and Sam be alone for a bit" Sarah said trying to poke a smile.

"Of-coarse" I said and Cameron and I walked out.


"Sarah, I'm so sorry this had to happen" I said to her as I felt tears swell in my eyes making my vision blurry.

"Sam, you did everything you could to avoid it, it's not like I'm upset with you. I'm just a little sad that I look fricken stubborn toe" she giggled trying to lighten the mood.

"No, your beautiful. Just like always. Maybe you just don't need any purple eyeshadow on your eyelids?" I smiled, and she giggled a little bit winced in the pain.

"Excuse me sir, are you the boyfriend?" A doctor came in the room asking.

"Yes" I replied.

"I would like to speak to you and your friends for a moment if you don't mind?" He said.

I got up, kissing Sarah on the forehead before leaving and walking outside meeting with the doctor, Cam and Rebecca.

"So I have some results from the testing on Sarah" he said


I noticed Rebecca clutch in Cameron's arm nervously.

I felt my hands begin to sweat, and I closed my eyes hoping for the best.

"And.." Cameron asked

"Well, we found something that we are not to pleased with." He said

My heart sank.

"We have found cancer, it's spreading.. Quickly" he added

"So what do you do now?" I asked quickly

"There is nothing we can do, it's too late. I'm sorry, but she doesn't have much longer. In my professional opinion, I would say a week at the most." He said.

Rebecca was sobbing in to Cameron's chest.

I wanted to yell, scream, run. I couldn't manage to get a word out.

"I'm sorry, but if I were you, I would cherish every moment you have left with her." the doctor said, and he walked off.

Rebecca was sobbing.

"It's going to be okay" I said to Rebecca.

"She can't leave" Rebecca barely managed to get out.

I felt tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

"I need to go for a walk" I said and I ran to the outside balcony.

I stopped and fell to the ground.

She is my life, I love her with my whole heart. She is my angel.
My love. My everything.


I managed to pull myself together, and go see Sarah again.

"Sara-" I said but she cut me off.

"I know about the cancer" she frowned.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked her

"I didn't want pity, I wanted to be a normal teenager. I wanted to get married and have kids. I wanted a normal life." she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"All I want is to get married" she sighed.

Just then it clicked. All she wants is to be with Sammy. So we should have a ceremony here.

I ran out of the room and told Cameron the plan, and I saw Sammy coming towards us so I explained it to him aswell.

I spent the rest of the day just reminiscing with Sarah.
It's funny how many things you remember about the past that you think you would have forgotten.
It's gonna be a tough week.

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