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After I sent James to Rebecca's house I just went in my room.

I went to go shut my blinds when I saw something, something that kinda hurt.

Rebecca, was up against her bedroom door, crying.

I know this is my fault, and I feel like shit for it.

Cameron, stop, you want the Lamborghini. I thought to myself.

Time to execute plan 3. I slipped on a pair of jeans , and a baseball T. I put on a little cologne, and brushed my hair and teeth.

I knew this was wrong but a bet is a bet.
I regretfully walked over to Rebecca's house.

It took about 2 minutes for her to answer, but when she did answer the door, she looked disappointed.

"What do you want?" She said in a rude voice.

Just play along, like you are the good guy.

"I'm here to say sorry, are you okay?" I said

"Does it look like I'm okay?" She said

"What happened" I asked her

"Oh, don't act like you don't know!" She yelled

I'm really sorry, I did it.

"I really dont" I said in defence.

"You really don't know? So this was all James?" She asked

No. I said to myself
"Yes" I said.

"You sure" she said

I'm lying, I just love you so much.

"Mhm" I replied.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I asked

She looked around. "You know what? Sure!" She said excitedly

She didn't even bother to get anything, she just walked out.

We started walking.
"I'm sorry I snapped on you" she said

"No it's fine.." I said

"So you and Ian are done I guess?" I said

"How did you know what happened?" She said


"Ohh, um James texted me, that's why I went over, to see if you were alright." I said.

"Well Ian hasn't texted me back" she said

"Hey it's gonna be okay, if he just leaves without letting you talk then you don't deserve a guy like that." I said

"Thanks Cam" she said stopping and hugging me.

This just makes me feel worse now, she is so innocent.

"I think we should start over" she said

"Yea" I agreed.

You don't deserve me.

We walked a little more and got to the playground that we used to go to when we were kids.

"Oh my God I haven't been here in ages" she said

"We used to come here all the time" I said

"Oh my gosh" she squealed running to the swings.

I walked behind her, and sat in the swing next to her.
We just kinda hung there for a bit.

"I miss this" she said.
"I miss being your friend, and telling you secrets, and having sleepovers, playing video games , hanging out, just being with you I guess.." She added
with the brightest smile that lit up in her face.

And that is when I fell for her. This wasn't just a game anymore, this is the real world, real feelings.

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