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I woke up by something licking my face.

"Rebecca what the heck" I laughed and opened my eyes, when I realized it wasn't Rebecca.

"Jake! Get off!" I pushed him away.

I looked around without a sight of Rebecca.

She probably went to hang out with Sierra.

I walked over to Sierra's room.

I knocked on her door.

"Where are my two favourite girlies" I giggled and Sierra opened her door.

"You mean girly?" She laughed.

"Isn't Rebecca in here?" I asked in confusion.

"No, she left. She said her parents were home.. She said she wasn't feeling good so don't go over though. Weird if you ask me.." She said.

"Oh.." I frowned and walked back to my room.

I noticed my computer was open to Youtube.

On my keyboard were two letters.

The first one was from Rebecca.


Im sorry but I'm done with this. Whatever this was, is done. Clearly you don't look at me in the right ways and I don't appreciate your attitude towards me. I don't care if you were drunk. I don't care if you were high or what ever the hell you were on. No girl deserves to be treated the way you treated me that night. Nor do you deserve to be with anyone. I'm glad we had a thing, so I know what kinds of things to watch out and walk away from.

I felt a light year drop down the side of my cheek.

What did I do?!

I looked at the other paper and it was a note from Ian.

It said to watch some video.

I went on my computer and the video was already on the screen.

I pressed replay. My heart sank hearing the awful remarks I made about Rebecca.

No girl ever, deserves to have that said about them. They were all complete lies. That was the drunkenness talking, not me.

I fell back in to the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with you" I sighed.

I just lost my best friend, my love. I feel like a piece of my life has been stolen from me, and I'm running for miles but no matter how fast I run I can never catch up to it and get it back.

My heart genuinely feels like it is missing something.

That something is the girl I fell in love with. The girl who has fallen out of love. Because of yours truly.

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