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We were laying in my bed when I heard the front door open, my mom must be home with Sierra and Jackson.

"Should we tell them?" Rebecca asked.

"They are going to find out sooner or later" I said.

She got out of bed and we walked downstairs.

"Hey mom, Sierra can we talk to you?" I asked

"What's up?" My mom said coming over to us.

"Rebecca is having baby." I blurted out.

"What?" She said dropping her bags.

"I'm so sorry Gina.." Rebecca said

"Hunny, it's not your fault, we will just have to take extra care of you" he said with a smile. I could still tell she was disappointed.

"Yay! I'm going to have a little kid to play with!" Sierra cooed.

We laughed. Thank god my mom is okay with this.

We sat down and ate, we tried telling jackson about the baby in a way he would understand, and he seems happy.

Me and Rebecca watched movies the rest of the night, and she fell asleep in my arms.


The next morning I woke up, like usual I went on Twitter, and Instagram.

I was surprised when I saw that I had more mentions than usual on Twitter.
They all said,
"Cam got a girl preggers"
"That girl is a fucking slut"
"Wow her baby is gonna be cute if it's cams.."

It was filled with so much hate, that my fans would say that but more importantly how did they find out?
Rebecca then, I guess, felt me fidgeting.

"Cam are you okay, your breathing very heavy" she said fluttering her eyes open.

"Yea.. I-I'm fine, but I want to take you shopping" I said trying to change the subject.

"Really?" She said

"Yup" I smiled.

I have her a little peck on the lips which quickly escalated.

"I'm going to work breakfast is on the tab- oh come on why do I always walk in when you guys are making out.." Sierra whined, making Rebecca laugh.

Rebecca got out of bed getting some clothes.

"Cam turn around" she said.

I shut my eyes as she got changed. I opened them again when I felt a kiss. When she kissed me, they were so subtle but they had the most meaning.

I pulled her down and pinned her down.

"Well then" she laughed.

I just smiled, gazing in to her big beautiful eyes.

"What?" She smiled with a giggle.

"You're beautiful" I said.

I kissed her tummy, and helped her up.

"Cameron there is something I need to ask you?" She said.

"Yea?" I asked nervously.

"Will you be the father? You know of the baby?" She asked.

"Oh.." I said

"I'm sorry, too soon it's okay just forget about it.." She said walking away.

I pulled her arm causing her to turn around, "no, it's just I thought I already was.." I smiled, and she returned it with a kiss on the cheek.

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