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"About what?" I he asked.

"Ever since we came on this trip, you have been running away and leaving randomly and I want to know why because I don't want to be chasing after you anymore" I said raising my voice.

"You don't want to know why, and neither do I want to tell you" he said to me.

"Shawn! You are making a big deal out of probably nothing! Tell me now!" I yelled.

"It's because of you!" He snapped back, standing up.

"What? What did I do?" I asked getting calm.

"I have feelings for you Rebecca. Every time I see you with Cameron it gets me upset. So I just leave!" He belted.

"Shawn I'm with Cameron you can't just make a huge fuss out of this because you have feelings f-" he cut me off.

"Listen. Do you know how it feels, to want something so bad but you know you can't have it. Until the point where it kills you inside? I can't even stand to see you together. It kills me to see you with someone besides me." He said walking down the other way.

"I never knew you felt that way" is all I could say.

"Rebecca I'm not saying, you have to leave him for me this Instant, I want you to be happy. But I need you to just hear me out" he explained.

"Go ahead" I said, still not making an effort to make eye contact.

"The songs, the ones I wrote, you know them right?" He said.

"Yea.." I replied.

"They are obviously love songs... About a girl... Do you see where I'm going with this?" He said.

"Yea, no need to continue." I said.

"I should go" I said getting up and walking to the door.

"Wait" Shawn said while grabbing my shoulder.

"Don't tell Cameron. Please" he said.

I nodded, and continued out the door.
I went back to the pool, but was instructed to go right to the room, and so I did.


"Guys I'm gonna go upstairs, just tell Rebecca to come right up. I'm going to get ready" I said.

"Ooh get ready for what?" Taylor winked at me.

"No. I'm getting ready to go out for dinner" I said getting my towel and drying myself.

"Sure" Jack smirked.

I put my shirt on and my shoes and walked back to the room.

As I walked up to my room I was called by someone.

I turned around to see Rebecca running over to me.

"Hey" I smiled pecking her on the lips.

"Find Shawn?" I asked her while stepping in to the elevator.

"Ya" she said flatly.

"And, what's his deal?" I asked her.
"I am sworn to secrecy" she said crossing her chest with her right hand.

"If you insist m'lady" I giggled.

We walked to the room.

"So what's the dress code?" She asked un-zipping her suit-case.

"I would say, semi-formal" I said.

"Deal" she said, and went in to the bathroom with her bag and what I assumed was a dress.

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