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"But you do still have some dry blood on your mouth" I laughed, and Rebecca smiled.

"There's that beautiful smile" I said squishing her cheeks

"Ow" she whined.

"No but really gurl you look like a mutha flyin fuckin vampire" I laughed, making her laugh too.

I held out my hands, and pulled helping her up.

We went back to my house, and my mom was there with Jackson eating pizza.

"Hey, where's Sierra?" I asked

"Her and Chris decided that they wanted to move in together last minute so she is living with him now.." My mom said.

"Oh.. That was unexpected" I said.

"Well, we are going to bed.. Nightt" I said pulling Rebecca's arm up the stairs.

I ran and jumped on my bed and snuggled in to the covers.

Rebecca and I just talked for a bit.

"Hey becs, I was thinking" I said

"What about?" She asked
"I can't keep you from your family, it's not fair." I replied

"Cameron I love you, and clearly my parents couldn't care less because they aren't searching for me are they?" She said

"I just wanted to let you know.." I said.

"Well I appreciate the thought" she said kissing my nose.

"Night" she smiled

"Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite" I smiled and pecked her on the lips before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning was woken up by a text on my phone.

Nashy poo💕🐙- yo! I met someone she goes to our school!

Cameron- really whAts her name?

Nashy poo💕🐙- kaitlyn, she's awesome! She said she knows Rebecca?

Cameron- cool, k c u at school

Nashy poo💕🐙- yup

I woke up Rebecca and I got dressed.


I was woken up by Cameron, and I got dressed.

I put on a dark green and black plaid shirt, and black ripped jeans with white converse and slipped my hair in to a bun.

I walked downstairs, ate breakfast and we went to school.

We went to first and second period and then we had lunch.

"So Nash found someone?" I ask cameron as we walk to the cafeteria.

"Yea, her names Kaitlyn?" He said

Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn.. Sound so familiar..

We walked in to the cafeteria, and went over to our lunch table seeing Nash and Kaitlyn.

Oh, my gosh!

"Kate?!" I squealed. She turned around.

"BECS?!" She turned around, and got up, running over and hugging me.

"It's been so long!" I said pulling away from the hug.

"Literally like 12 years!" She said.

We sat down with the guys.

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