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I ran out to the hall and looked around but Rebecca was nowhere to be found.

I called her several times, but no answer.

I can't do this anymore.

I run to Kevin's room and knock on his door.

"Hey Cameron! What up" he opened the door.

"I think I should come in" I said, he opened the door more and I walked in sitting down on his couch.

"I'm leaving the tour" I said.

"What? Why?" He asked, confused.

"These guys are great but they are tearing me and Rebecca apart. I don't want to loose her again. I made that mistake once. Not again." I stood up.

"Cameron, if it were any other girl I would say no, but not Rebecca. She's special. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He asked me.

"100%" I said, he nodded.

I walked out of the room, and made my way to mine.
I started packing my suitcase.

The guys came running in about 10 minutes later.

"Dude! Kevin cancelled the tour" Jack J said.

"Really?" I asked, not really surprised.

"You don't look so upset, why are you packing?" Aaron asked.

"I'm going to find Rebecca" I said getting up and rolling my suitcase to the front door.

"Dude! You can't just leave! you know ever since you and that girl started dating! You have been neglecting us. Now we a remaking you choose. Her or us!" Carter yelled.

I looked around. This was going to end someday anyway.

I said nothing. I grabbed my suitcase and walked out.

"I can't believe your choosing a stupid girl over your friends, well not anymore Dallas.." Carter yelled running out of the room after me.

I turned around and grabbed his shirt, basically throwing him to the ground.

"Don't you dare fucking call, my girlfriend stupid. You fucking self-centred, low life bitch! One day when you get a girlfriend you better fucking cherish her, you asshole" let go of his shirt.

I looked around at all the guys, including Jasmine.

"Bye Cam" Jasmine came and hugged me, and went back beside Nash.

"Bye" I said as I walked in to the elevator.


I got my boarding pass and walked to my terminal.

I sat down, and about 20 minutes later I was called.

I stood in line when a girl had dropped their ticket.

I bent down to pick it up when I bumped heads with someone.

"Ow, sorry" a sweet voice giggled.

I looked up.

"Cam?" Rebecca said.

"I didn't recognize you with that hat" I smiled.

"You came" she smiled.

Then her expression changed in seconds. It was like she remembered everything.

She turned her head away and kept forward.

"C'mon. It's a sign. We can't be apart" I said, but still nothing.

We boarded the plane in silence, and I lost Rebecca in the crowd.

I walked in to the plane and was greeted by a lady with dark blonde hair.

I handed her my ticket and she signalled me to my seat.

I thanked her and walked over to my seat.

"D-13, d-13" I thought to myself looking t the numbers.

I stumbled across my seat.

I took a look at my surroundings before sitting down and felt a smile begin to spill on to the creases of my mouth.

"Well hello ma'dam" I said to what looked like an annoyed Rebecca.

"Why does God work in such mysterious ways.." She sighed.

"I'm telling you fate brought us together, to fight crime and make babies.. BUT MOSTLY FIGHT CRIME" I waved my arms in the air.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Just because I'm sitting beside you, doesn't mean everything's okay.." She said.

"We are bound to talk once in this 5 hour flight, why not about that" I said.

"Fine" she groaned.

"But let me just clear up something" She added.

"What?" I asked her, and the flight began to take off.

"I think you should know something about Shawn" I said.

"What? Did he hurt you? I swear if he hurt you I'm gonna-" I cut him off.

"No! He didn't hurt me! Far from it actually." I assured him.

"Well, then what?" He asked me.

"You see, when I went to go check on him the other day. He told me something, that surprised me." I said leaving it open ended.

"What?" He asked.

"Well, Shawn told me- um- he told me how he's going on tour!" I blurted not even thinking about what I had just said.

"Really? I already knew that" he laughed.

"Oh, cool! Well yup that's what he told me" I shifted back and forth.

"Are you okay? Your a bit antsy.." He asked me.

"Yea, just a lot on my mind." I replied.

I laid my head down on the window, trying my hardest to fall asleep but it was impossible.

I shifted trying to disregard conversation. But I'm not going to lie, this was the most uncomfortable flight ever.

"You know you can sleep on me" Cameron said causing me to turn my head towards him.

"I would say no but I can't handle that fricken window" I said and I laid my head in his shoulder.

"I knew you would.." He said to himself.

"I would what?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"MY BABY CAME THRU" He yelled banging his fists on the table in front of him.

"Cam" I stopped him giggling.

"I love you" he said and kissed my on the forehead.

I drifted to sleep, in Cameron's soft and warm embrace.

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